Configuring Portlets, Themes, and Layout Templates

The Components listing is the easiest way to configure portlets, themes, and layout templates. In the Components UI, you can enable/disable them and configure permissions on them.

  1. Access the Components UI in the Control Panel, by navigating to ConfigurationComponents. A table of installed portlets appears.

    In the Components UI, you can manage the portlets, themes, and layout templates installed on your DXP instance.

  2. Select the tab of the component type to view: Portlets, Themes, or Layout Templates.

  3. To configure a component, click its name or select Edit from its Actions button (Actions). The component’s configuration screen appears and displays the component’s module ID and plugin ID, a checkbox for activating/deactivating the component, and user roles that can be configured for the component.

    You can activate or deactivate a component, and change its permissions.

  4. Activate or deactivate the component by checking or unchecking the Active checkbox, respectively.

  5. To change a role’s permission for the component (e.g., a role’s Add to Page permission for a portlet), select the role’s Change button in the permissions table. This takes you to the Control Panel’s → UsersRoles screen, where you can change the role’s permissions for the component.

Congratulations! You can use the Components listing to examine and manage installed portlets, themes, and layout templates.




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