Using Fragments to Build Multi-Step Forms

Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+

You can use fragments to create a single-step form or create a multi-step form with the Stepper fragment or by changing the form’s Form Type configuration.

Adding a Form Fragment


Form fragments can only be used with custom objects. Liferay hides the Form Components fragment set until you have at least one published object. Once published, users with access to the object can view and use the Form Components fragments. See Creating Objects for more information.

  1. While editing a page, locate the Form Fragment in the Fragments and Widgets sidebar.

  2. Drag and drop it into the editing area.

Using the Stepper Fragment

The Stepper fragment transforms a single-step form into a multi-step form, making navigation between steps easier and clearer. Once set, you can rename the step titles, map them to fields, click on step indicators to navigate between steps, add form elements to each step, and configure how the steps look. You can use the page editor to add a Stepper fragment to a Form Container fragment:

  1. Locate the Stepper fragment in the Fragments and Widgets sidebar.

  2. Drag and drop it into the Form Container, either at the top or bottom.

A confirmation message appears. Once confirmed, the Stepper fragment is added to the page, and you can begin adding form fields to the steps.

Use the Stepper fragment to transform a simple form into a multi-step form.

Changing the Form Type Configuration

Alternatively, you can change the form’s Form Type configuration to Multistep instead of using the Stepper fragment.


The Stepper fragment is not added automatically in this case. You can add it manually for easier visualization and navigation between form steps.

  1. Select the Form Container and navigate to the General tab in the right panel.

  2. Under Form Type, select Multistep.

This adds the Form Steps and two Step fragments to the container.

If you choose not to use the Stepper fragment, enable the Display All Steps in Edit Mode option in the General tab to view the drag-and-drop zones for each step.

Enable the Display All Steps in Edit Mode option to view the drag-and-drop zones for each step.

Once the configuration is complete, you can begin adding form fields to the steps.

Adding Form Fields to the Steps

Each step in the form requires form fields to function as a form.

If you’re using a Stepper fragment (1), select the step indicator to navigate to that step’s drag-and-drop zone. From there, add form fragments and build the form for that step.

If you’re not using a Stepper fragment (2), add form fragments to the drag-and-drop zone for the step.

Add a form fragment to the step.

Next, map the form fragment to an object field by selecting the fragment and navigating to the General tab in the right panel. Under Field, select the object field to map it to the fragment.

Map the form fragment to an object field.

For multi-step forms, buttons must be configured based on their position in the form:

  1. Select an existing form button or add one to the step’s drag-and-drop zone.

  2. Navigate to the General tab in the right panel. Change the button Type based on the step:

    • The first step must have a Next button.

    • Steps between the first and last must have both Next and Previous buttons.

    • The last step must have both Previous and Submit buttons.

    Change the button type depending on the step.

Configuring Multi-Step Forms

After setting up your multi-step form and adding fields to it, you can customize it further by configuring several options:

To set the number of steps,

  1. Select the Form Container fragment and navigate to the General tab in the right panel.

  2. Under Number of Steps, adjust the value to add/remove steps.

    You can also use the up/down arrows next to the field to increase/decrease the number of steps.

    Step indicators and titles are added automatically to the Stepper fragment. If Display All Steps in Edit Mode is enabled, drag-and-drop zones for new steps are appear in the editor.

    Configure the Form Container and change the number of steps in your form.

To map/change the step title in the Stepper fragment,

  1. Click the text on top of the step indicator once to access the Mapping tab in the right panel.

  2. Select an item and its field to map to the title.

  3. Alternatively, double-click the title to edit it manually.

    Map the step title to an object field or edit it manually.

To configure the Stepper fragment,

  1. Select the Stepper fragment and navigate to the General tab in the right panel.

  2. Under Stepper options, toggle the Show Bullets Numbers option to display/hide the numbers in the step indicators.

  3. Toggle the Show Step Titles option to display/hide the titles.

    You can display/hide the numbers and titles in the step indicators in the Stepper fragment.




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