Upgrading a Theme
Themes developed for previous versions of Liferay DXP must be upgraded in order to be deployed to a new version. The gulp upgrade
task updates Liferay version references and theme dependencies. This allows you to deploy your theme to newer versions of Liferay.
The Liferay Theme Generator is used to run the upgrade task. If you have not done so, then install it with this command:
Install the Yeoman and Gulp dependencies with this command:
Running the Upgrade Task
Use the upgrade task to update the theme’s version dependencies.
The upgrade task may change or overwrite files in your theme. Back up your theme’s files before running it.
Run this command from inside your theme’s folder:
A warning appears reminding you to back up your files if you have not yet done so. When ready, type “y” (or “yes”) to continue at the prompt.
If you are upgrading to Liferay 7.4, another prompt appears asking if you want to add the Bootstrap 3 to 4 compatibility layer. If your theme requires compatibility with Bootstrap 3, enter “y” (or “yes”), and then enter it again when a warning appears to confirm. If you do not need compatibility with Bootstrap 3, then type “n” (or “no”).
Confirm that the upgrade task has completed with the messages in the console:
The version numbers in your theme are now updated, and you can now deploy it to the new version of Liferay DXP.