Using Folders

By default, uploaded files are stored in the Documents and Media root folder (i.e., Home), but you can create additional folders to organize and manage your files. Each folder can have its own workflow configuration, so you can define review and approval processes for its files. You can also configure a folder’s permissions to ensure only authorized users can access its files.

Adding Folders

  1. Open the Documents and Media application in the desired site or asset library.

  2. Click New and select Folder.

    Click on the Add button and select Folder.

  3. Enter a name for your new folder.

  4. (Optional) Enter a folder description.

  5. (Optional) Configure permissions for the folder.

    Enter a folder description and configure folder permissions.

  6. Click Save to create your new folder.

Once created, the folder appears in the Documents and Media application. You can create subfolders by opening the desired folder and repeating the above process.

Folder Options

Once you have created a folder, click Actions (Actions Button) next to the folder to access the following options.

DownloadDownload the folder as a zip file.
EditEdit the folder’s name, description, document type restrictions, and workflow.
MoveMove the folder with its files to another folder.
Add FolderAdd a subfolder to the selected folder.
Access from DesktopView the folder’s WebDAV URL.
PermissionsEdit permissions for the folder.
DeleteMove the folder and its files to the Recycle Bin.

Click the folder's actions button to access the following options.

Configuring Workflows for Folders

After creating a folder, you can configure its workflow settings to determine the approval process for all additions and edits made to the folder’s content. These options are available when editing the folder. See Using Workflow with Documents and Media for more information.

Configure workflows for individual folders.

Configuring Folder Permissions

If desired, you can configure folder permissions to restrict access to its files. See the Documents and Media Permissions Reference and Roles and Permissions for more information.

Configure folder permissions.




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