Creating Product Bundles

Liferay supports the creation of product bundles using product options. With options, you can define values that link the current product with other SKUs (simple, virtual, or grouped). Once defined, customers can select different option values when adding the product to cart.

For example, consider a computer hardware distributor. Customers can select a specific computer model with a standard case, power supply, motherboard, and OS, but they have options for other hardware components (e.g., CPU, GPU, RAM, storage). Each product variant has its own price based on the selected components. The total cost is calculated by adding the price of the selected value to the price of the current product.


In addition to product bundles, Liferay provides grouped products for combining multiple SKUs for sale. This product type groups SKUs for customer convenience or special promotions. Unlike product bundles, each grouped product has its own SKU, and its final cost is determined by its own price entry. See Creating a Grouped Product for more details.

Follow these steps to create a product bundle:

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to CommerceProducts.

  2. Select the product you want to use as the base for the bundle.

  3. Select the Options tab.

  4. In the Add Options field, enter a name for your new bundle option and click on Create New.

    This creates a new option template and applies it to your product using the default option settings.


    Alternatively, you can create an option template via the Options page. This method is best for commonly used types of bundles. See Using Product Options for more information.

    Go to the product's options tab, and create a new option for your bundle.

  5. Select the new option to edit its details and values.

  6. Configure the following option settings:

    • Description (Optional): Add a localized description.
    • Position: Set the option’s priority to determine the order in which it’s displayed relative to other options.
    • Use in Faceted Navigation: Determine whether the option can be used to filter product search results.
    • Required: Determine whether users must select an option value before adding the product to the cart.
    • SKU Contributor: Determine whether the option’s values are used to generate unique product SKUs.
    • Field Type: Choose the type of field used for the option.
    • Price Type: Choose whether to use Static or Dynamic pricing for option values.

    Dynamic uses the linked SKU’s price for a value. Static uses a fixed price set directly in the value field. Dynamic and static prices get added to the current product’s base price.

    Also, since product bundles use the Price Type attribute, they can only use the Single Selection and Select from List field types.

    Use this form to configure the option's settings.

  7. Scroll down to the Values section, click Add (Add Button), and enter the following details for your value:

    • Name: Set the display name used for the value. If you enable SKU Contributor, the option value’s SKU uses this name.
    • Position: Set the value’s priority to determine its placement in the option’s field.
    • Key: This field is auto-generated to match the name field, though you can set it independently.

    Repeat this process until you’ve added all the desired values.

    Use this form to add values to the created option.

  8. Once created, click on a value to access these additional settings:

    • Default: Determine whether the option defaults to the selected value.
    • Delta Price (For Static Only): Set a specific price for the value.
    • Product: Link an existing SKU to the value and specify its quantity.

    Each of the option’s values must be unique. This means you cannot use the same product+quantity combination for multiple values in the same option. However, you can use the same value in other options added to the product.

    Also bundle values cannot link to other product bundles, to products with a required option, or to products with subscription enabled. If the bundle uses dynamic pricing, it can only link to APPROVED product instances.

  9. (Optional) If you’ve enabled SKU Contributor for your option, go to the SKUs tab in the product’s page, click Add (Add Button), and select Generate All SKU Combinations.

    This generates a new SKU for each option value, which you can edit in the SKUs tab.


    When enabled, customers must select a value, even if Required is not enabled for the option.

  10. Verify your bundle in the product details page.

Customers can select an option from the bundle.

Editing Bundles from the Mini Cart

Liferay DXP 2023.Q4+/Portal 7.4 GA98+

Once added to the mini cart, you can always edit a product bundle before checking out.

  1. Add the product bundle to your cart.

  2. Open the mini cart.

    Click Show Product Options to view the currently selected option from the bundle. Click it again to hide the options.

    You can view the selected option of a bundle in the mini cart.

  3. Click Actions (Actions icon) next to the product and select Edit.

    Click the Actions icon to edit or delete the bundle.

  4. Choose one of the other available options.

    Choose one of the available options and click save.

  5. Click Save.

The price of the cart updates automatically if the selected options change the price.


The option to edit the bundle isn’t available if you add the base product to cart.

Creating Bundles Containing Product Relations

Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal GA112+

You can now create product bundles that contain two kinds of product relations.

  • Requires in Bundle
  • Incompatible in Bundle

These product relations restrict the options that can or can’t be selected in a product bundle. For instance, consider a computer hardware distributor that sells pre-built PCs. Some motherboards might not work with processors made by certain companies whereas some processors need a motherboard with a specific chipset to function. Both these scenarios are illustrated using these two options.


This feature was released behind a release feature flag in Liferay DXP 2024.Q1/Portal GA112. It was made Generally Available (GA) in 2024.Q2/GA120.

Requires in Bundle

You can use this relation to enforce selection of an option based on another option’s selection. For instance, if the buyer chooses a CPU that is only compatible with one motherboard, that motherboard appears as a required option in the bundle.

To add this product relation,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to CommerceProducts.

  2. Select the product you want to add the relation to.

  3. Go to Product Relations.

  4. Click Add (Add) and select Add Requires in Bundle Product.

  5. Search for products and use the checkbox to select them.

  6. Click Add.

This is a bidirectional relationship, meaning, both these products have the same relationship applied to them.

Selection of one option requires the selection of a specific value in another option.

Incompatible in Bundle

You can use this relation to display incompatible options based on another option’s selection. For instance, if there are four motherboards available and the user’s CPU selection is compatible with only two of them, the remaining two appear as incompatible options in the bundle.

To add this product relation,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to CommerceProducts.

  2. Select the product you want to add the relation to.

  3. Go to Product Relations.

  4. Click Add (Add) and select Add Incompatible in Bundle Product.

  5. Search for products and use the checkbox to select them.

  6. Click Add.

This is a bidirectional relationship, meaning, both these products have the same relationship applied to them.

Incompatible options appear depending on the option selected.




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