Widgets Reference
Widgets are building blocks you can use to add content and dynamic functionality to your site. While Liferay includes a wide variety of generic widgets, it also includes dedicated Commerce widgets that you can use to build the desired shopping experience for your customers.
Type | Description |
Accounts | This widget provides in Site access to the Accounts application where users can view their Account information |
Cart | This widget lists all items selected for purchase. Users can view Product details (i.e., description, price, discount, quantity, and total), as well as update Product quantities or remove Products. |
Cart Summary | By default, this widget lists the current cart subtotal, taxes, and total along with a Checkout button. However, you can use the Basic template to simply display the cart total or create your own template using FTL. |
Category Content | This widget is used in Category Pages to display related category content. |
Checkout | This widget provides access to the checkout workflow so users can open a new order for cart items. It prompts users to enter a shipping address, select a shipping and payment method, review the order summary, and confirm it. |
Commerce Addresses (deprecated as of Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+) | This widget provides users quick access to Account addresses. With it, they can add, remove, or edit Account addresses. |
Commerce Categories Navigation | This widget displays a list of links to Category Pages according to the widget’s configuration. |
Coupon Code Entry | This widget provides a field for entering and applying coupon codes to Cart items. |
Dashboard Date Range Selector (removed in DXP 7.3+) | This widget allows users to specify a date range to refine search results. |
Mini Cart | This widget provides quick access to a compact summary of the Cart application. |
Open Carts | This widget displays a list of all pending orders. |
Option Facet | This widget allows people to search a Site using Product Options associated with a Product. |
Order Forecasts Chart (formerly Dashboard Forecasts Chart) | This widget is used to display SKU, Account, and Category forecasts generated using Analytics Cloud forecasts. |
Organization Management | This widget displays a list of all organizations |
Placed Orders (formerly Orders) | This widget displays all Channel orders, so users can review order details and reorder Products. |
Price Range Facet | This widget allows users to specify a price range to refine their search results. |
Product Comparison Bar | This widget displays Products selected for comparison, according to the configured renderers. |
Product Comparison Table | This widget displays specifications for selected Products side by side. |
Product Details | This widget is used in Product display pages to display a Product’s details (e.g., description, specifications), available SKUs, and any custom Option fields. It also allows users to add the Product to the cart, select it for comparison, or add it to a wish list. |
Product Downloads | This widget allows users to access and download assets included in purchased Virtual Products. |
Product Publisher | This widget sorts and displays multiple Products from a Catalog. Clicking on a Product redirects users to the Product’s display page. |
Product Subscriptions | This widget lists all of an Account’s Product subscriptions. |
Returns Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+ | This widget lists all the returns created by the customer. With it, users can access more details of a return request and its resolution. |
Search Result | This widget displays Product search results according to the selected renderers and configured pagination. |
Shipments | This widget displays Channel shipments. With it, users can access shipment and order details. |
Shop by Diagram (formerly Commerce BOM) | This widget displays diagrams that map an object’s components to individual Product SKUs. |
Sort | This widget can be used to sort Products by relevance, price, name, or date added. When sorting by price, the widget considers the Product’s base price only. |
Specification Facet | This widget allows users to use Product Specifications to refine search results. |
Wish List Content | This widget displays the content of a wish list. |
Wish Lists | This widget displays all of an Account’s wish lists. |