Search Blueprints Configuration Reference

The Search Blueprints user interface has a Query Builder for creating Blueprints. Beyond adding Elements and configuring the query settings, there are additional configurations that are important for many Blueprints use cases. To work with these configurations go to the Global Menu → Applications → Blueprints. Add a new Blueprint or open an existing one, then click the Configuration tab.

Configure Search Blueprints using JSON.

Each configuration field consists of a single text area that accepts a JSON string.

Aggregation Configuration

Configure Aggregations in the Search Blueprint. Aggregations take the results of a query and group the data into logical sets. Aggregations can be composed to provide complex data summaries.

Aggregations added in Search Blueprints are applied in addition to those already present in the search request (e.g., from facets).


Aggregations can be configured and are returned in the search response, but there is no out-of-the-box way to display or otherwise process the Blueprint-added aggregation in Liferay’s UI. Custom code is required to consume the aggregations added in Blueprints.

To add an Aggregation to a Blueprint,

  1. From the Blueprint editor, click the Configuration tab.

  2. Find the Aggregation Configuration text area and enter valid JSON. Use the Elasticsearch DSL to craft the JSON.


    Some aggregations properties are not supported by Liferay’s search API.

       "aggs": {
          "date_histogram-test": {
             "date_histogram": {
                "date_histogram_interval": "minute",
                "field": "modified",
                "keyed": true,
                "min_doc_count": 1,
                "order": {
                   "_count": "asc"

Aggregations with Nested Fields

To configure aggregations for nested fields, nest these aggregations:

  1. [Optional] You can use a filter aggregation to first narrow down the aggregation to entry type (e.g., object or web content structure) you’re targeting.
  2. Add a nested aggregation for specifying the path to navigate in the nested context.
  3. Add a sub-aggregation for the nested field.

For example, this aggregation filters by object type, then adds an avg metrics aggregation to calculate the average value of an integer field from the object:

   "aggs": {
      "filter_object": {
         "filter": {
            "term": {
               "entryClassName": "com.liferay.object.model.ObjectDefinition#33080"
         "aggs": {
            "object_nested": {
               "nested": {
                  "path": "nestedFieldArray"
               "aggs": {
                  "object_avg": {
                     "avg": {
                        "field": "nestedFieldArray.value_integer"

Highlight Configuration

Configure Highlights in Search Blueprints. If you add a highlight configuration in Search Blueprints, it overrides the default search highlight configuration.

To add a Highlight to a Blueprint,

  1. From the Blueprint editor, click the Configuration tab.

  2. Find the Highlight Configuration text area and enter valid JSON. The properties and their possible values are detailed in the Elasticsearch documentation.

       "fields": {
          "content_${context.language_id}": {},
          "title_${context.language_id}": {}
       "fragment_size": 100,
       "number_of_fragments": 10,
       "post_tags": [
       "pre_tags": [
       "require_field_match": true

Sort Configuration

Configure Sorts in Search Blueprints. Sorts added via Search Blueprints are applied in addition to those already in the search request (e.g., from the Sort widget). However, Sorts added in a Search Blueprint are not reflected in the Sort widget’s UI or configuration screen.


Do not use both the Sort widget and a Blueprint to configure Sorts on a search page. Consistent behavior cannot be guaranteed if you combine Sorts from the Sort widget and a Search Blueprint’s Sort Configuration.

To add a Sort to a Blueprint,

  1. From the Blueprint editor, click the Configuration tab.

  2. Find the Sort Configuration text area and enter valid JSON.

       "sorts": [
             "title_sortable": "desc"

Parameter Configuration

You can declare new template variables from these attributes:

  1. Search context attributes.
  2. Headless search request attributes prefixed with search.experiences (e.g.,

For example, a Custom Filter widget could be combined with a Widget Template and a Blueprint to allow the end user to toggle the search results between unpublished and draft content.

This example adds a new search context attribute that excludes Web Content from the search results if the value of the attribute is true.

  1. Add the Parameter Configuration to a new Blueprint: go to the Configuration tab and find the Parameter Configuration text box. Add

       "parameters": {
          "exclude.journal_articles": {
             "type": "String"
  2. Add a Custom Element to the Blueprint: Go to the Query Builder tab, find the Custom JSON Element, and click Add. Overwrite the existing content:

       "description_i18n": {
          "en_US": "Conditionally exclude journal articles from the search."
       "elementDefinition": {
          "category": "hide",
          "configuration": {
             "queryConfiguration": {
                "queryEntries": [
                      "clauses": [
                            "context": "query",
                            "occur": "filter",
                            "query": {
                               "bool": {
                                  "should": [
                                        "bool": {
                                           "must_not": [
                                                 "term": {
                                                    "entryClassName": {
                                                    "value": "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle"}
                                        "bool": {
                                           "must": [
                                                 "term": {
                                                    "discussion": false
                      "condition": {
                         "contains": {
                            "parameterName": "exclude.journal_articles",
                            "value": "true"
          "icon": "hidden"
       "title_i18n": {
          "en_US": "Exclude Journal Articles"
  3. Add the search context attribute. For testing purposes you can do this in the preview sidebar.

  4. Click Preview. Add search context attributes to the Blueprint preview search by clicking the gear icon (Gear). Enter the key/value pair for the attribute: exclude.journal_articles/true

  5. Then click Done.

Checkpoint: Execute a search that you expect to return a Web Content article (add one if needed) and verify that the article is not returned. Open the attribute configuration again and set the value to false. Verify that the preview search now includes the Web Content.


Advanced Configuration


This is an advanced feature that is rarely needed.

With the advanced configuration, you can

  1. Collapse results that have identical keyword field values, using the collapse parameter.
  2. Set which indexed fields are returned in the blueprint’s response using the fields parameter. In Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 and earlier, many fields were stored by default. use the stored_fields parameter in these versions.
  3. Prune certain fields or exclude the source field from the response.

For example, the advanced configuration adds source includes and excludes as search request parameters. The _source field in Elasticsearch contains the stored document body that was passed to the index request. This field is not itself indexed. The advanced configuration in blueprints lets you prune the field by specifying what fields to include or exclude, using the source JSON element in the configuration. As it overlaps in functionality and may conflict with the Low Level Search Option widget’s Fields to Return configuration, you must not use both approaches in tandem. To configure the source field in a blueprint,

  1. From the Blueprint editor, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Find the Advanced Configuration text area and enter the excludes and includes you need. Wildcards are permitted.

Configuring Search Blueprints in the Control Panel

Most configurations for Search Blueprints are found directly in the Blueprints application and in the search page itself. However, there are two system/instance configurations that enable services supporting geolocation capabilities in Search Blueprints.

Both configuration entries can be found in the Search Experiences category of Control Panel → System/Instance Settings.

Configure the ipstack and OpenWeatherMap services to enable geolocation capabilities in Search Blueprints.

Ipstack provides geolocation information based on the user’s IP address.

Ipstack ConfigurationDefault ValueDescription
EnabledFalseCheck the box to enable the ipstack service.
API KeyNoneYou must obtain an API key from to enable the service.
API URLhttp://api.ipstack.comProvide the URL to the service.
Cache Timeout604800Set the time (ms) until the cached data expires and the API is re-invoked.

OpenWeatherMap is used in conjunction with ipstack to provide weather information based on the user’s location. To use this in Search Blueprints you must also enable ipstack.

Ipstack ConfigurationDefault ValueDescription
EnabledFalseCheck the box to enable the OpenWeatherMap service.
API KeyNoneYou must obtain an API key from to enable the service.
API URL the URL to the service.
Cache Timeout604800Set the time (ms) until the cached data expires and the API is re-invoked.
UnitsMetricSet the system for the weather data units: choose Imperial, Metric, or Standard.




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