Liferay Enterprise Search
A Liferay Enterprise Search (LES) subscription provides access and support for additional search features.
Detailed installation and usage instructions are available in the documentation for each LES feature, including
- Cross Cluster Replication
- Learning to Rank
- Monitoring Elasticsearch
- Search Experiences
- Securing Elasticsearch [Free without LES for Liferay CE and DXP with Elasticsearch 7]
To see a detailed description of the services and features included with LES on your version of Liferay DXP, refer to the official description of LES in the Liferay DXP Components resource. While LES is installed and enabled out of the box in recent Liferay versions, it is unsupported without a subscription. The activation article has more details:
For self-hosted deployments, LES customers receive a platinum Elasticsearch license from Liferay. There can be a delay between your subscription and receipt of the license, but you can enable a 30-day trial to work with in the meantime.
Always check the LES compatibility matrix for compatibility information.
Cross Cluster Replication
- Cross Cluster Replication
- Configuring an Example Cross Cluster Replication Installation
- Configuring a Cross Cluster Replication in a Remote Leader Data Center
- Configuring Cross Cluster Replication in a Local Follower Data Center
- Cross Cluster Replication Basic Use Case Configuration Reference
- Troubleshooting Cross Cluster Replication