Troubleshooting Elasticsearch: Common Issues
Listed here are some common issues you may encounter while configuring Elasticsearch and Liferay. Additional connection-specific errors are discussed in Troubleshooting the Elasticsearch Connection.
Cluster Name
The value of the
property in elasticsearch.yml
must match the clusterName
property configured in the Liferay Elasticsearch connector.
Transport Addresses
The value of the transportAddresses
property in the Elasticsearch connector configuration must contain at least one valid host and port where an Elasticsearch node is running. If Liferay is running in embedded mode and you start a standalone Elasticsearch node or cluster, it detects that port 9300
is taken and switches to port 9301
. If you then set Liferay’s Elasticsearch connector to remote mode, it continues to look for Elasticsearch at the default port (9300
). Make sure to list all master and data node addresses of the cluster.
Connecting to Elasticsearch covers the connector configuration options in more detail.
Network Host Addresses
In Liferay 7.3+, the bundled sidecar Elasticsearch server runs on port 9201
by default. This means that setting the networkHostAddress
of your remote Elasticsearch installation using Elasticsearch’s default HTTP port (9200
) does not cause a conflict. As with the transport addresses, make sure to list all master and data node addresses of the cluster.
Cluster Sniffing (Additional Configurations)
Elasticsearch clusters can have multiple node types. Cluster sniffing, enabled by default in the Elasticsearch connector, looks for data nodes configured in the transportAddresses
property. If none are available, the connector may throw a NoNodeAvailableException
in the console log. To avoid this error and continue using cluster sniffing, configure at least one data node’s transport address.
To disable cluster sniffing, add clientTransportSniff=false
to the .config
file or un-select the Client Transport Sniff property in System Settings.
Docker Connection Refused
The Liferay DXP container must recognize the Elasticsearch IP to establish a connection. Add /etc/hosts/
entries that map the Elasticsearch container name to the Elasticsearch server host IP address during the docker run
phase by passing an argument like this:
To obtain the IP addresses of all running containers, run
Configuration File Names
When you have problems connecting Liferay to Elasticsearch (perhaps seeing NoNodeAvailableException
messages in the Liferay log), one of the first steps to take is confirming properly named configuration files. Unrecognizable configuration files aren’t processed, and resulting errors can vary.
Disable Elasticsearch Deprecation Logging
Sometimes Elasticsearch APIs used in Liferay’s Elasticsearch connectors are deprecated. Even when there’s no impact to the functionality required by Liferay, warning log messages can result:
These warnings do not signal any functional issues and can be disabled (see Deprecation Logging to learn how).
Field Type Errors
If Elasticsearch is allowed to auto-create indexes and a full reindex is performed, in rare cases the Liferay mappings are not created in time for the index recreation. The default Elasticsearch mappings are applied instead, resulting in errors during search execution. This issue was solved for Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal GA120+ by automatically disabling the auto-creation of Liferay’s indexes in Elasticsearch.
In earlier versions the solution is to disable index auto-creation in Elasticsearch for the liferay-*
indexes. Set action.auto_create_index: "-liferay-*"
in the elasticsearch.yml
or make a PUT request to the Index API.
Too Many Fields or Clauses
If using Elasticsearch 7 or 8.0, increasing the indices.query.bool.max_clause_count
setting (defaults to 4096
) may be necessary in rare cases to prevent errors such as field expansion for [*] matches too many fields
and query contains too many nested clauses; maxClauseCount is set to 1024
. Consider setting this to 1024 * [Heap Size in GB]
. For example, a 8GB heap size in Elasticsearch should use a max clauses count value of 8192
. The setting is ineffective in Elasticsearch 8.1+, where the max clause count value is dynamically calculated.