Configuring Role and Team Defaults for Site Members

You can configure the default roles and teams you assign to new site members.

  1. Access the Default User Associations option:

    • In Liferay DXP 7.4+

      1. From the Site Menu, go to ConfigurationSite Settings.

      2. In the Platform section, click Users and then click Default User Associations.

        In Liferay DXP 7.4+, change the Default User Association from the Site Settings section.

    • In previous Liferay DXP versions,

      1. From the Site Menu, go to ConfigurationSettings.

      2. Under the Advanced area, find the Default User Associations option.

        In previous Liferay DXP versions, change the Default User Associations from the Settings section.

  2. In the Default User Associations area, click Select under either the Site Roles label to define default roles or the Teams label to define default teams (if any exist) for your site members.

  3. Choose the default site roles and teams for new site members.

  4. Click Save.


The default Site Roles and Teams you configure do not affect existing Site members.



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