Validating Fragment Configurations

When defining fragment configuration options, you can add validation properties to text type fields that determine rules for valid entries. Determine what type of data each field accepts by specifying the rule’s type: text, number, email, url, or pattern. You can also add custom error messages to notify users of invalid entries.


The validations addressed in this article are for validating fragment configuration fields, which is only applicable in the page editor view’s settings panel. To validate user inputs, use form fragments with object validations or JavaScript validation.

Text Validation Rules

The following JSON code adds text validation rules to set the minimum and maximum number of characters used in valid entries (i.e., minLength and maxLength) for a text type field.

   "fieldSets": [
         "fields": [
                  "label": "validate text length",
                  "name": "text1",
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeOptions": {
                     "validation": {
                     "errorMessage": "Enter a minimum of 10 characters. Entries cannot exceed 30 characters.",
                     "type": "text",
                     "minLength": 10,
                     "maxLength": 30

Use text validation rules to set the minimum and maximum number of characters used in valid entries.

Number Validation Rules

The following JSON code adds number validation rules to define the numerical range of valid entries (i.e., min and max) for a text type field.

   "fieldSets": [
         "fields": [
                  "dataType": "int",
                  "label": "validate number",
                  "name": "text2",
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeOptions": {
                     "validation": {
                     "errorMessage": "Enter a number between 5 and 10.",
                     "type": "number",
                     "min": 5,
                     "max": 10

Use number validation rules to define the numerical range of valid entries.

Email Validation Rules

The following JSON code adds email validation rules to require email syntax and define the character length of valid entries (i.e., minLength and maxLength) for a text type field.

   "fieldSets": [
         "fields": [
                  "label": "validate email",
                  "name": "text3",
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeOptions": {
                     "validation": {
                     "errorMessage": "Enter a valid email address.",
                     "type": "email",
                     "minLength": 1,
                     "maxLength": 30

Use email validation rules to require email syntax and define the character length of valid entries.

URL Validation Rules

The following JSON code adds url validation rules to require proper URL protocol and define the character length of valid URLs (i.e., minLength and maxLength) for a text type field.

   "fieldSets": [
         "fields": [
                  "label": "validate url",
                  "name": "text4",
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeOptions": {
                     "validation": {
                     "errorMessage": "Enter a valid URL.",
                     "type": "url",
                     "minLength": 1,
                     "maxLength": 100

Use URL validation rules to require proper URL protocol and define the character length of valid URLs.

Pattern Validation Rules

The following JSON code adds pattern validation rules to a text type field using regular expressions to define valid entries.


When using backslashes to escape characters in regex values (e.g., \d), you must use two backslashes within JSON files to first escape the backslash (e.g., \\d). See IETF documentation for more information on JSON grammar.

   "fieldSets": [
         "fields": [
                  "label": "validate pattern",
                  "name": "text5",
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeOptions": {
                     "validation": {
                     "errorMessage": "Enter a valid 10 digit phone number.",
                     "type": "pattern",
                     "regexp": "([0-9]{3})[.\\-]?([0-9]{3})[.\\-]?([0-9]{4})"

Use pattern validation rules using regex to define valid entries.




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