Liferay provides integrated notification tools, so you can ensure users are alerted to platform events. Users can customize which notifications they receive by enabling email, or website notifications for the desired applications. These settings are global in scope and determine the user’s personal notifications for all sites. To customize individual notifications,
Open your Personal Menu and click Notifications.
Click Options () in the Application Bar and select Configuration (1).
Alternatively, you can access these settings wherever the Notifications widget is deployed. Click Options () in the widget header → Configuration (2).
Before Liferay DXP 2025.Q1/Portal GA132, the Configuration option appeared in the widget’s top-right corner.
Enable or disable notifications for the desired application triggers.
Click Save.
Customization options include the following application triggers:
Wiki is deprecated as of Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129. For data continuity, consider transitioning to alternative content management solutions like Liferay Objects or Web Content.
Adds a new wiki page in a wiki you are subscribed to
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