Creating the Testcase File

Test Scenario

Write your first testcase file using the test scenario below:

You would like to test that your name does not appear on any article. The steps you would take are the following. Follow along manually on a separate browser to test the steps.

  1. Navigate to the Liferay Learn site.

  2. Click on the Search input field.

  3. Type in your name as the search term.

  4. Press the enter key to enter the search term.

  5. Assert that there are no search results. If searching for your name returns results, please pick a different name.

  6. Assert that a message appears saying there are no articles available.

Building the Testcase File

  1. Create an empty file in your poshi-standalone/poshi-tests/testcase directory and name it LiferayLearnSearch.testcase.

  2. Macro files start with the definition block. Add this to your LiferayLearnSearch.testcase file.

    	definition {
  3. Within the definition block create the setUp block. Since the test starts with navigating to the Liferay Learn site, the setup block can contain the following function:

    setUp {
        task("Setup: Navigate to the Liferay Learn website.") {
          Default.Open(locator1 = "");
  4. Start the test block by adding a description and test name. Name the test in a manner that is concise, specific, and descriptive. For the given test scenario, use CannotSearchForMyName.

    @description = "There should be no search results when I search for my name."
    test CannotSearchForMyName {
  5. Within the test block, add the macros from your LiferayLearnSearch.macro file in the order described in the test scenario. Don’t forget to pass in the variable search term. For more on Variables, see Using Variables. The resulting test should look like:

    definition {
      setUp {
        task("Setup: Navigate to the Liferay Learn website.") {
          Default.Open(locator1 = "");
      @description = "There should be no search results when I search for my name."
      test CannotSearchForMyName {
        task("When I search for my name") {
          LiferayLearnSearch.searchForTerm(searchTerm = "yourNameHere");
        task("Then I should see the No Results message.") {
          LiferayLearnSearch.assertNoResults(searchTerm = "yourNameHere");




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