Understanding Object Integrations

Published custom objects are integrated with Liferay’s core frameworks, so you can leverage Liferay’s features to build unified experiences across the platform. This chart provides an overview of how Objects leverages these integrations.

AssetUse the Attachment field to upload files to your instance’s document library.
AuditEnable and audit entry history for custom object definitions using the Audit application or REST APIs.
CategorizationAdd categorization tools to custom object layouts so users can add tags and categories to entries.
HeadlessLiferay generates a headless endpoint for each published object, so you can make REST calls.
InfoUse object data with Display Page Templates, Fragments, Navigation Menus. Liferay also creates a Collection Provider for displaying its entries.
LocalizationLocalize fields for object definitions to better serve your global users.
PermissionsManage application and resource permissions to control access to object definitions and their data.
User Associated Data (UAD)Manage user-associated data in object definitions and entries. See Managing User Data (GDPR) for more information.
WorkflowEnable custom workflows for objects to direct the creation, review, and publishing of object entries.



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