Data Set Views

Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+ Beta Feature

With the data set manager, you can create data set views and customize how users see your data set. Choose which fields appear, define and pre-apply filters, set default sorting rules, redirect users to a different URL where they can perform actions, and configure pagination options for your data set view.

Creating Data Set Views

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), select the Control Panel tab, and click Data Sets under Object.

  2. Click on the Name of the data set where you’re adding the view.

    Alternatively, click Actions (Actions menu) next to the data set entry and select Edit.

  3. Click Add (Add button), name your data set, and add a description (optional).

  4. Click the name of the data set view to start editing it.

    Alternatively, click Actions (Actions menu) next to the data set view entry and select Edit.

    You can also delete a data set view using the Actions menu.

Managing Data Set Views

The Data Set View application is divided into tabs:

  • Details tab: see and edit the name (1) and description (2) of your data set view. Click Save once the alterations are complete.

    You can also see the information about the REST Application, Schema, and Endpoint (3) used with that data set.

    In the Details tab, edit the name and description of your data set view.

  • Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal 7.4 GA120+ Visualization Modes tab: select fields and manage how they appear in your data set using three different visualization modes: Table, List, and Cards.

    Edit the fields, add friendly labels and localize them, choose a renderer for the fields, and define them as sortable or not sortable.

    You can also customize the list and the card visualization modes by mapping their elements to fields from your data set.

  • Filters tab: define filters that users can apply to the data set fragment.

    You can apply customized filters using Client Extensions, use date-type fields and show entries within a given period, or configure Picklists as the source of the options for the filter.

  • Liferay DXP 2024.Q3+/Portal 7.4 GA125+ Sorting tab: set sorting options that are applied to the entries once the user visits a page with a Data Set fragment. You can also set a default sorting option.

    Sort entries using a specific field as a criterion and in ascending or descending order.

  • Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal 7.4 GA120+ Actions tab: create actions linked to the elements in the data set.

    With Item Actions, you can perform many actions related to items in the data set, depending on the specific needs and context of the data. For example, if a data set item represents a user, possible actions include activating/deactivating it or impersonating it. Similarly, for a web content item, actions could include expiring content or viewing its history and usage.

    With Creation Actions, users can create new data or you can redirect them to a different location where they can create it.

    See Using Data Set View Actions for more information.

  • Pagination tab: configure the pagination options for the data set view. Pagination divides a large set of data into smaller, more manageable parts.

    Set a default number of items per page and provide users with a list of options from which they can select their preferred number of items to display on each page.

    Use positive numbers separated by commas to define the list of options.

    In the Pagination tab, set a default number of items per page and add a list of defined values from which users can select their preferred number of items to display on a page.

  • Settings tab: configure your data set view (e.g., set a default visualization mode).

    In the Settings tab, you can configure your data set view.

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