Using Spring
PortletMVC4Spring is deprecated due to a future migration to Jakarta EE 10. Instead, use client extensions or Liferay Objects if possible. Alternatively, use Liferay’s MVC Portlet.
PortletMVC4Spring is a way to develop portlets using the Spring Framework and the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. While the Spring Framework supports developing servlet-based web applications using Spring Web MVC, PortletMVC4Spring supports developing portlet-based applications using MVC. Here are the PortletMVC4Spring topics:
- PortletMVC4Spring (Help Center) introduces PortletMVC4Spring and provides an example project.
- Developing a Portlet Using PortletMVC4Spring (Help Center) demonstrates generating a PortletMVC4Spring project and creating a portlet using PortletMVC4Spring.
- Reference facilitates PortletMVC4Spring feature detail lookup.