Liferay Faces Alloy

Liferay Faces Alloy is distributed in a .jar file. You can add Liferay Faces Alloy as a dependency to your portlet projects, to use AlloyUI in a way that is consistent with JSF development.


AlloyUI is deprecated in Liferay DXP 7.2.

During the creation of a JSF portlet in Liferay IDE/Developer Studio, you have the option of choosing the portlet’s JSF Component Suite. The options include JSF standard, ICEfaces, PrimeFaces, RichFaces, and Liferay Faces Alloy.

If you selected the Liferay Faces Alloy JSF Component Suite during your portlet’s setup, the .jar file is included in your portlet project.

The Liferay Faces Alloy project provides a set of UI components that utilize AlloyUI. For example, a brief list of some of the supported aui: tags are listed below:

  • Input: alloy:inputText, alloy:inputDate, alloy:inputFile
  • Panel: alloy:accordion, alloy:column, alloy:fieldset, alloy:row
  • Select: alloy:selectOneMenu, alloy:selectOneRadio, alloy:selectStarRating

If you want to utilize Liferay’s AlloyUI technology based on YUI3, you must include the Liferay Faces Alloy .jar file in your JSF portlet project. If you selected Liferay Faces Alloy during your JSF portlet’s setup, you have Liferay Faces Alloy preconfigured in your project, so you’re automatically able to use the alloy: tags.

As you can see, it’s extremely easy to configure your JSF application to use Liferay’s AlloyUI tags.




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