CDI Portlet Predefined Beans

Liferay DXP provides injectable portlet artifacts for CDI called Portlet Predefined Beans, as specified by JSR 362. There are two types of predefined beans:

The table below describes these attributes for each bean:

Artifact: The bean’s type.

Bean EL Name: Expression Language (EL) name for accessing the bean in a JSP or JSF page.

Qualifier: Annotation applied to the bean for defining and selecting a bean implementation.

Valid during (phase): The portlet phases in which the bean is valid.

Portlet Request Scoped Beans

These beans have the @PortletRequestScoped annotation. Here are their artifact types, bean EL names, and annotation qualifiers, along with their valid portlet phases.

Table 1: Portlet Request Scoped Beans1

Artifact Bean EL Name Qualifier Valid during
PortletConfig portletConfig - all
PortletRequest portletRequest - all
PortletResponse portletResponse - all
ActionRequest actionRequest - action
ActionResponse actionResponse - action
HeaderRequest headerRequest - header
HeaderResponse headerResponse - header
RenderRequest renderRequest - render
RenderResponse renderResponse - render
EventRequest eventRequest - event
EventResponse eventResponse - event
ResourceRequest resourceRequest - resource
ResourceResponse resourceResponse - resource
StateAwareResponse stateAwareResponse - action, event
MimeResponse mimeResponse - header, render, resource
ClientDataRequest clientDataRequest - action, resource
RenderParameters renderParams - all
MutableRenderParameters mutableRenderParams - action, event
ActionParameters actionParams - action
ResourceParameters resourceParams - resource
PortletContext portletContext - all
PortletMode portletMode - all
WindowState windowState - all
PortletPreferences portletPreferences - all
Cookies(List<Cookie>) cookies - all
PortletSession portletSession - all
Locales(List<Locale>) locales - all

Dependent Scoped Beans

These beans use the @Dependent scope. They’re of type java.lang.String, which is final. This disqualifies them from being proxied. To prevent using dependent scoped beans in a scope broader than their original scope, you should only inject them into @PortletRequestScoped beans.

Table 2: Dependent Scoped Beans2

Artifact Bean EL Name Qualifier Valid during
Namespace (String) namespace @Namespace all
ContextPath (String) contextPath @ContextPath all
WindowID (String) windowId @WindowId all
Portlet name (String) portletName @PortletName all

CDI Dependency Injection

  1. Martin Scott Nicklous, Java™ Portlet Specification 3.0, page 122.

  2. Martin Scott Nicklous, Java™ Portlet Specification 3.0, page 123.





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