Configuring SAML at the Instance Level

Each portal instance can be a SAML provider, either an Identity Provider (IdP) or a Service Provider (SP). Whichever role your DXP instance fills, you can configure it in the same place.


The Instance Settings user interface is auto-generated and doesn’t provide field validation and other features that make it easier to configure SAML. Please use the SAML Admin interface to configure your SAML instance. The Instance Settings interface is documented here for advanced users who want to use it to create a configuration file.

  1. Go to Control PanelInstance SettingsSecuritySSOSAML Provider Configuration.

  2. Fill out the form and at the bottom, click Update.

Key Store Credential Password: Your key store credential password gets you access to the key store.

Key Store Encryption Credential Password: Your key store encryption credential protects this SAML provider configuration in the key store.

Require Assertion Signature: Check this box to require SAML assertions to be individually signed by the IdP in addition to the entire SAML message.

Require Authn Request Signature: Check this box to require each Authn request to be signed by the sending Service Provider. In most cases, this should be enabled.

Clock Skew: Set the tolerance for the time difference between the SP and the IdP in milliseconds.

Default Assertion Lifetime: Define how long in seconds IdP assertions last.

Enabled: Check this box to enable this SAML provider.

Entity ID: Name this SP or IdP.

LDAP Import Enabled: Check this box to import user attributes from the LDAP servers declared in this SP’s instance settings.

SAML Role: Choose the role for this provider. Each portal instance can be an Identity Provider (IdP) or a Service Provider (SP), but not both.

Session Maximum Age: The amount of time in seconds the SSO session, managed by the IdP, lasts.

Session Idle Timeout: The amount of time in seconds an idle session lasts before it expires.

Sign Authn Requests?: If configured as an SP, digitally sign Authn requests.

Sign Metadata?: Sign the metadata sent to peer SAML entities.

SSL Required: Check this box to require SSL for the transfer of all SAML messages. All URLs in metadata sent to peers become prefixed with the https protocol.

Allow showing the login portlet: Allow the login portlet to appear when no SAML IdP is matched to the login request. Users in this scenario log in locally to Liferay DXP.




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