Installing Patches


The Patching Tool applies Fix Packs (including Security Fix Packs and Service Packs) for versions prior to Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3. It also applies Hotfixes for any DXP version.


If you’re applying an Update (or Security Update) on Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3+, please see Updating Liferay.

The patching steps for DXP bundles and DXP application server installations are similar. Since DXP bundles include the preconfigured Patching Tool, you can apply patches right away. DXP application server installations, however, require installing and configuring the Patching Tool before patching.


Always back up your database and installation before patching.


If you’re running DXP in a Docker container, please follow the instructions at Patching DXP in Docker.

If you’re patching a DXP bundle, continue with the basic patching steps below. If you’re patching DXP on an application server, make additional preparations before following the patching steps.

Patching Steps

  1. Download the patch to your patching-tool/patches folder—don’t unzip the patch.

    • Fix Packs and Service Packs are on the Downloads page in the Help Center.
    • Hotfixes are in Help Center tickets.
  2. Shut down your application server.


    • On Unix-style systems, you can usually replace files that are running, but the old ones reside in memory.
    • On Windows systems, files in use are locked and can’t be patched.
  3. Install the patch by running the Patching Tool’s install command from the patching-tool folder:

    cd patching-tool
    ./ install

    The output looks like this:

    There's no configuration available. Running auto-discovery in the parent folder.
    Directory is not set in command line, using ../
    Auto discovery looks for portal segments. The selected directory is "/home/russell/liferay-bundles/cross-cluster-replication_7.2_LRDOCS-8715/liferay-dxp-".
    Configuration has been written into the
    One patch is ready to be installed. Applying dxp-10...
    Cleaning up: [1%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100%]
    Installing patches: [1%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100%]
    The patches contain database index modification. Run the patching tool with the index-info parameter for more information.
    The installation was successful. One patch is installed on the system.
  4. Verify that the patch installed by executing the info command and checking the information on the currently installed patches:

    ./ info

    The output lists the currently installed patches:

    Loading product and patch information...
    Product information:
      * installation type: binary
      * build number: 7210
      * service pack version:
        - available SP version: 3
        - installable SP version: 3
      * patching-tool version: 2.0.15
      * time: 2021-01-21 18:02Z
      * host: russell-pc (8 cores)
      * plugins: no plugins detected
    Currently installed patches: dxp-10-7210
    Available patches: dxp-8-7210, dxp-10-7210
    Detailed patch list:
      [ -] dxp-8-7210 :: Currently not installed; Won't be installed: dxp-10 contains the fixes included in this one :: Built for LIFERAY
      [*I] dxp-10-7210 :: Installed; Will be installed. :: Built for LIFERAY
  5. Clean up all DXP cache.

    Delete the [Liferay Home]/osgi/state folder.

    cd [Liferay Home]
    rm -rf osgi/state

    Empty the [Liferay Home]/work folder.

    rm -rf work/*

    Delete the application server cache. Please consult the application server vendor’s documentation on where where to find the cache.


    If a module’s changes are only internal, the changes are invisible to the OSGi framework, the module stays installed, and the module’s state persists. Clearing the OSGi bundle state information before the next DXP startup ensures that such modules reinstall with the appropriate state.

  6. If the patch release notes mention micro or minor schema/data changes, use the Database Upgrade Tool to apply minor changes (required) and any micro changes you want.


    If you’re updating from Liferay DXP 7.2 GA1 or Fix Pack 1 to DXP 7.2 SP1 / Fix Pack 2 (or above), you must update the data and database using the Database Upgrade Tool.

  7. If you customized DXP’s web.xml file, merge your customizations into the new web.xml file that the Fix Pack includes. Fix Packs always overwrite the existing web.xml file.

  8. If the patch has any index updates, configure DXP to update the indexes on startup.

    Use the info command to check for index updates.

    cd patching-tool
    ./ info

    If there are index updates, set the database.indexes.update.on.startup Portal Property to true in a file.


    Only indexes that start with LIFERAY_ OR IX_ are updated. Make sure that your custom indexes do not use this naming convention.

  9. If you are installing DXP 7.3 back onto an application server, ZIP the patched DXP application from its temporary location back into a .war file and copy the file into your application server. Refer to the DXP installation instructions for your application server.

  10. Start the application server again.

Congratulations! Your DXP instance is patched and running.


If the patch doesn’t install or if you’re unable to resolve errors that occur, please open a Help Center ticket and provide the full Patching Tool info output by running ./ info > output.txt and attaching the output.txt file to the ticket.

Preparing to Patch DXP on an Application Server

If you installed DXP on an application server, make these preparations:

  1. If you’re patching DXP 7.3 and it is deployed as a .war file, unzip the .war to a temporary location for patching.

  2. Install the Patching Tool, if you have not yet installed it.

  3. Configure the Patching Tool for your DXP installation by running the auto-discovery command.

    cd patching-tool
    ./ auto-discovery
  4. If you’re patching DXP 7.3, set the Patching Tool’s war.path property (e.g., in to your unzipped DXP .war location.

  5. Continue with the Patching Steps in the previous section.

Now you know how to patch a DXP Bundle and a DXP application server installation.




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