Message Boards Configuration Reference

Configuration settings for the Message Boards app are divided in Settings and Notifications. To access the Message Boards app’s configuration screen,

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu), expand Content & Data, and go to Message Boards.

  2. Click Options (Options icon) in the top right corner → Configuration.

    Access the configuration screen through the Message Boards application.


Configure general preferences for the Message Boards app, including posting permissions, thread formats, user ranks, and RSS feed options.

General Tab

Allow Anonymous PostingAllows guest (non-authenticated) users to post threads.
Subscribe by DefaultSubscribes users by default to threads they participate in.
Message FormatProvides a drop-down menu to select BBCode or HTML as the editor.
Enable Report Inappropriate ContentEnables users to report threads for Terms of Use violations.
Enable RatingsEnables users to rate threads.
Thread as Question by DefaultIf enabled, the first threads are always questions and subsequent threads can be marked as answers; disabled by default.
Show Recent Posts from LastProvides a drop-down menu to select how many previous posts appear based on time: 24 Hours, 7 Days, 30 Days, or 365 Days.

Thread Priorities

Default LanguageThe instance’s default language is set to English and cannot be modified here.
Localized LanguageSelect a supported language from a drop-down menu; Administrators can set ranks in different languages.
NameEnter the priority level’s name.
ImageEnter the priority level’s icon; use a full URL or a relative path to the theme.
PriorityEnter the priority level; higher numbers indicate greater importance. List them in descending order.

User Ranks

Message Boards users can configured to have a visible rank based on the number of posts they contribute.

Default LanguageThe instance’s default language is set to English and cannot be modified here.
Localized LanguageSelect a supported language from a drop-down menu; Administrators can set ranks in different languages.
User Ranks Text AreaEnter the user ranks in the text area.


Enable RSS SubscriptionToggle RSS subscriptions on or off.
Maximum Items to DisplaySelect the maximum number of items to show in the RSS feed.
Display StyleChoose how threads appear: as an abstract, full content, or title only.
FormatSelect the feed format: Atom 1.0, RSS 1.0, or RSS 2.0.


Customize email templates and sender details for notifications sent when threads are added or updated.

Email From

Configure the sender details for automated notifications related to message board activity.

NameEnter the forum owner/moderator’s name.
AddressEnter the forum owner/moderator’s email address.
HTML FormatSelect if the email should be in HTML format.

Message Added Email

The Message Added Email tab contains the template for emails sent when a new message board thread is created. Use FreeMarker placeholders to dynamically insert thread-specific information, such as the message subject, user details, and URLs.

Message Added Email

Expand the Definition of Terms menu to view available placeholders (e.g., [$MESSAGE_SUBJECT$], [$MESSAGE_BODY$]) and learn how they pull data and metadata from each thread to automate email content.

Message Added Email Definition of Terms

Message Updated Email

The Message Updated Email tab contains the template for emails that are sent whenever a message board thread is updated.

Expand the Definition of Terms menu to learn more about how to create an automated email that import data and metadata from each thread.



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