Creating the Careers Page

The Careers page shows a list of available job postings. When you click a posting a page appears with more details about the job. To create the page, use web content structures and templates to create and show the job postings and display page templates to show the details about the job.

Importing the Web Content, Structures, and Templates

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu) and select Content & DataWeb Content.

  2. Click Options (Options) and select Export/Import.

  3. Select the Import tab and choose the 05-glance-careers-job-posting-web-content.lar file (that was included in the zip file with the resources for this module). Click Continue.

  4. Use the default settings and click Import. After the import process is complete, close the modal.

The web content articles, structure, and template are imported. Now, create a collection to display the content in a page.

Creating a Collection

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu) and select Site BuilderCollections.

  2. Click New and choose Dynamic Collection. Name it Job Postings Collection.

  3. Under Item Type, select Web Content Article and, under Item Subtype, select Job Posting. Click Save.

Create a collection to display on a page.

Now, create and edit the Careers page.

Create and Edit the Careers Page

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu) and select Site BuilderPages.

  2. Click Add (Add icon) → Add Site Template Page and select the Main template.

  3. Name the page Careers and click Add. The page editor appears.

  4. While editing the page, look at the Fragments and Widgets tab on the left of the page editor and search for Careers Composition.

  5. Drag and drop the Careers composition in the editing area.

  6. Change the Heading text to Envision the future with us..

  7. Double-click the first Dialect text component inside the collection item’s container. Under the Mapping tab, change the field to Job Title.

    When dealing with collection displays, you only have to alter one of the occurrences of the component. All the other occurrences are repetitions applied to the other collection items.

    Alter one of the components in a collection display and the other occurrences change as well.

  8. Double-click the second Dialect text component inside the collection item’s container. Under the Mapping tab, change the field to Location.

  9. Change the button’s text to More.

  10. Publish the page.

This is how the Careers page should look once it’s finished:

This is how the Careers page should look once it's edited.

Next: create the menu navigation and use your site template to generate another site.

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