Your Liferay instance comes out-of-the-box with a default site, called “Liferay” (with /guest as its friendly URL). This site is the default landing page for your instance, so its details are directly tied to the instance’s settings.

Here, you’ll repurpose this site to become the new, public Clarity site.

Log in as Kyle Klein, your instance’s administrator, so you can change the instance settings.

  1. Access your Liferay instance and log in as Kyle Klein.

  2. At the top of the screen, open the Global menu ( Applications menu ) and click Control PanelInstance Settings.

  3. On the Instance Settings page, click Instance Configuration.

    The default site's name and logo are set on the Instance Configuration screen.

  4. Download and unzip the Clarity site logo:

    curl -O
  5. On the Instance Configuration page, click the Change Logo button ( Change icon ).

  6. Upload the image you downloaded (ClarityLogo.png) in the pop-up modal and click Done.

    Use the pop-up modal to upload the Clarity logo.

  7. Click Save.

Change the Site’s Name

Now change the default “Liferay” to the appropriate site name.

  1. While in Instance Configuration, click the General scope.

    Click the General scope to change the site's name.

  2. In the Name field, enter Clarity.

Change Other Important Instance Settings

You should also change the home URL and email domain to more appropriate terms for your site.

  1. On the same General configuration page, change the domain in the Mail Domain field to

  2. Enter /web/p into the Home URL field.

    You’ll change your site’s friendly URL in the next exercise, so you should change the home URL now so that your instance correctly redirects users with the change.

  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Now your site’s general details properly reflect the Clarity brand. Revisit the default home page (localhost:8080/web/guest, for a self-hosted or Docker instance) to see the changes.

The default home page now has the Clarity name and logo.

The URL for this site still doesn’t fit Clarity yet though, because it still uses /guest. Next, you’ll change that setting and others for the site.

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