Adding Pages for Distributor Application

Pages are the primary building blocks of Liferay sites. Delectable Bonsai’s design team has created and exported three placeholder pages for use with the Distributor Application object. Here you’ll import these pages as a LAR file:

  1. Download the LAR file for this exercise:

    curl -O
  2. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu), expand Publishing, and click Import.

  3. Click Add (Add Button), select the distributor-application-pages.lar file, and click Continue.

    Select the distributor-application-pages.lar file and click Continue.

  4. Keep the default import configuration and click Import.

  5. Confirm the import finishes successfully.

    Confirm the import was successful.

  6. Verify these pages appear in your site:

    • Apply
    • Application Submission
    • Distributor Applications

    Verify the pages appear in your site.

These pages provide the framework for building the Distributor Application UI.

Currently, they’re empty. Instead of starting from scratch, you’ll import the provided fragment compositions to add the fragments or widgets necessary for creating, viewing, and managing applications.

Next: Importing Fragments for the Distributor Application Pages



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