Product Configurations

Liferay DXP 2025.Q1+/GA132+

Product Configurations are templates for managing product configuration and ability in one place. They help you make bulk changes to multiple products to avoid creating duplicate products with slightly different properties to satisfy your customers’ requirements.

With product configurations, you can

  • View a centralized, flat-table view of products
  • Prevent creation of duplicate products to match certain criteria through targeted configurations
  • Simplify adding new products through defaults in the master configuration

Currently, this feature is behind a release feature flag (LPD-10889).

Creating a Master Product Configuration

When you create a catalog, you also create a master configuration. For instance, if you create a catalog named SS Spare Parts, a master configuration called Master Configuration SS Spare Parts is created, like when you create a catalog, a base price list and promotion list are also created. You cannot delete a master product configuration.

Creating a catalog automatically creates the master configuration.

Setting Defaults in the Master Product Configuration

Once you have a master product configuration, you can start setting defaults for your products.

  1. Open the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigate to CommerceProduct Configurations.

  2. Select the master product configuration linked to your catalog.

  3. In the Details section, you can update the name and priority of your master product configuration.

  4. There are four sections in the Default Product Configuration Settings (see below).

  5. After configuring these fields, click Save.

Base Settings

Visible: Check to allow customers to view the product in the storefront.

Purchasable: Check to allow customers to purchase the product.


Display Availability: Activate to display the product’s availability on the product details page.

Display Stock Quantity: Activate to display the product’s stock quantity on the product details page.

Allow Back Orders: Activate to allow back orders for this product.

Inventory Engine: Select an inventory engine.

Low Stock Action: Select an available low stock action.

Availability Estimate: Select an active availability estimate.

Low Stock Threshold: Set the quantity threshold that triggers the low stock action.

Minimum Order Quantity: Set the minimum order quantity for the product.

Maximum Order Quantity: Set the maximum order quantity for the product.

Multiple Order Quantity: Set the allowed multiples a customer can purchase. If you set the value to 3, the customer can purchase only 3 units of the product or other multiples of 3 (6, 9, etc).

Allowed Order Quantities: Set the allowed order quantities that a customer can purchase. You must enter values separated by a comma (,).


Shippable: Activate to specify the product is shippable.

Free Shipping: Activate to allow free shipping for this product.

Ship Separately: Activate to allow shipping this product separately.

Width: Enter the product’s width.

Height: Enter the product’s height.

Depth: Enter the product’s depth.

Weight: Enter the product’s weight.

Tax Category

Tax Category: Select an available tax category.

Tax Exempt: Activate to exempt this product from tax.

When you create a new product in the catalog, it uses the master product configuration as its base. You can make further changes to the product as needed by editing the product from the Entries tab or the Products application. Values saved in a product configuration appear in the storefront immediately.

Editing an entry doesn’t affect the master product configuration. A small icon appears next to the entry if its value is different from the master’s default.

A small icon appears next to the entry after editing the default value.


You cannot control the eligibility of a master product configuration.

Creating Additional Product Configurations

If you want products to override the defaults set in the master product configuration, you can create additional product configurations for other subsets of your products.

  1. Open the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigate to CommerceProduct Configurations.

  2. Click Add (Add icon).

  3. Enter a name and priority for the product configuration. Then, choose the associated catalog and parent configuration.

  4. Click Submit.

Set a higher priority to override the master product configuration.

Setting Eligibility for Product Configurations

You can use the eligibility framework to fine-tune access to product configurations by accounts, account groups, channels, and order types. This option is not available for the master product configuration.

  1. Open the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigate to CommerceProduct Configurations.

  2. Select a product configuration that’s not the master.

  3. Go to the Eligibility tab.

  4. Click the radio button, search for the account, account group, channel, or order type, and click Select.

  5. Click Save.

See the table below to understand the specificity for the given eligibility.

Specific AccountsSpecific Account GroupsSpecific ChannelsSpecific Order TypesRank

A product configuration that applies to all accounts, account groups, channels, and order types is the least specific. For instance, consider a product configuration A scoped to account group A and product configuration B eligible to all accounts, account groups, channels, and order types. Here, Account Group A is only eligible for product configuration A since it is the most specific.

Filtering, Searching, and Sorting Entries

In the Entries tab, you can filter by the product’s category, type, purchasable, shippable, and visible attributes. Click Filter, choose the option, and select the appropriate value. You can also use the Exclude toggle to exclude your selection from the filtered view.

Each column is sortable and resizable. Click the drop-down arrow (Drop down arrow icon) in the top-right corner of the table to select the visible columns.

You can use the checkbox to select multiple products and set their visibility using the (Open eye icon) icon. Use the (Close eye icon) icon to set the products’ visibility to false.




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