Subscription Administration Reference Guide

Subscriptions are managed in the Subscriptions menu in the Global Applications. This article describes the various functions and fields available in the Subscriptions menu.

There are five fields:

IDThis is the Subscription’s ID.
StatusThe Status displays the order’s status
Order IDThis is the Order ID that the subscription is based on.
Account IDThe Account ID corresponds to the account that created the subscription.
Account NameThe Account Name corresponds to the account name.

Commerce 2.1 and Below

Subscriptions are managed in the Subscriptions menu in the Control Panel.

Navigate to the Control PanelCommerceSubscriptions.

Subscriptions Management

There are five fields:

IDThis is the Subscription’s ID.
StatusThe Status displays the order’s status
Order IDThis is the Order ID that the subscription is based on.
Account IDThe Account ID corresponds to the account that created the subscription.
Account NameThe Account Name corresponds to the account name.

Click on the Subscription’s ID to view the subscription order’s details.

There are three tabs: General, Shipments, and Payments.

General Tab

The General tab contains the basic details of the subscription order.

Reference Order

The Reference Order section displays information about the Order:

Payments section

Payment Subscription

The Payment Subscription section tracks the following information:


StatusThis is the workflow status of the subscription.
Next Iteration DateThis is the next day payment is due.
Subscription TypeThis is how the type of the subscription.
Subscription LengthThis refers to the length of the interval between shipments.
ModeThis refers to the date on which the intervals are marked. Users can also select exact days of the month or The Last Day of the Month as options.

If you require this feature to be disabled, blacklist the component. Do not enter zero or a negative number for the interval.

Delivery Subscription

The Delivery Subscription section tracks the following information:


StatusThis is the workflow status of the subscription.
Next Iteration DateThis is the next day the shipment is sent out.
Subscription TypeThis is how the type of the subscription.
Subscription LengthThis refers to the length of the interval between shipments.
ModeThis refers to the date on which the intervals are marked. Users can also select exact days of the month or The Last Day of the Month as options.

If you require this feature to be disabled, blacklist the component. Do not enter zero or a negative number for the interval.


The Items section lists all the products in the subscription.


Shipments Tab

The Shipments tab displays the following information:


Create DateThis is the date the order was created.
Shipment IDThis number is generated as the Shipment ID
StatusThis is the Order’s status.
Order IDThis refers to the subscription’s underlying order.
Sent ToThis is the account’s shipping address.
TrackingThis is the carrier’s tracking number.

Payments Tab

The Payments tab tracks the order’s payment history.


TypeThis refers to whether payment was made successfully or not.
DateThis is the date the order was created.
TXN IDThis is the transaction ID.
AmountThis refers to the order’s total amount.




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