Implementing a Custom Product Content Renderer

This tutorial will show you how to add a custom product content renderer by implementing the CPContentRenderer interface.

A product content renderer provides a style of displaying product details for a specific product type, in a variety of widgets that can display products. Liferay Commerce provides product content renderers for each out-of-the-box product type, such as SimpleCPContentRenderer for Simple products.

Out-of-the-box product content renderers


  1. Deploy an Example
  2. Walk Through the Example

Deploy an Example

In this section, we will get an example product content renderer up and running on your instance of Liferay Commerce.

Start a new Liferay instance by running

docker run -it -m 8g -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal:

Sign in to Liferay at http://localhost:8080. Use the email address and the password test. When prompted, change the password to learn.

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip the Acme Commerce Product Content Renderer.

    curl -O
  2. Build and deploy the example.

    ./gradlew deploy$(docker ps -lq)

    This command is the same as copying the deployed jars to /opt/liferay/osgi/modules on the Docker container.

  3. Confirm the deployment in the Docker container console.

    STARTED com.acme.q4f7.web_1.0.0
  4. Verify that the example product content renderer was added. Open your browser to https://localhost:8080 and navigate to any catalog with products in Liferay Commerce. Click on the product to see the Product Details widget, then click Configuration for the widget.

    Under the Custom Renderer section, select Simple. Below the Simple Commerce Product Type Renderer Key dropdown, select the new renderer (“Q4F7 Commerce Product Content Renderer”).

    New product content renderer

  5. When you select a product, the new renderer shows only the product’s SKU, price, availability, and stock quantity.

    Here are a product's details shown using the new renderer.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully built and deployed a new custom product content renderer that implements CPContentRenderer.

Next, let’s dive deeper to learn more.

Walk Through the Example

In this section, we will review the example we deployed. First, we will annotate the class for OSGi registration. Second, we will review the CPContentRenderer interface. And third, we will complete our implementation of CPContentRenderer.

Annotate the Class for OSGi Registration

    property = {
        "commerce.product.content.renderer.type=" + SimpleCPTypeConstants.NAME
    service = CPContentRenderer.class
public class Q4F7CPContentRenderer implements CPContentRenderer {

It is important to provide a distinct key for the product content renderer so that Liferay Commerce can distinguish the new renderer from others in the product content renderer registry. Reusing a key that is already in use will override the existing associated renderer.

The commerce.product.content.renderer.order property is an integer value that Commerce uses to list the renderer in the UI. Renderers are listed in ascending order. For example, the SimpleCPContentRenderer has this property set to the minimum integer value, so other renderers for Simple type products will appear after it in the list.

The commerce.product.content.renderer.type property determines what type of product this renderer can be used for. In our example, we use a Simple type, so the renderer will appear under the Simple category in the UI.

Review the CPContentRenderer Interface

Implement the following methods:

public String getKey();

This method provides a unique identifier for the product content renderer in the product content renderer registry. The key can be used to fetch the renderer from the registry. Reusing a key that is already in use will override the existing associated renderer.

public String getLabel(Locale locale);

This returns a text label that describes the product content renderer. See the implementation in for a reference in retrieving the label with a language key.

public void render(
        CPCatalogEntry cpCatalogEntry,
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
    throws Exception;

This is where we add the code to render a customized view for our product content renderer.

There are several ways to define a view: JSP, Freemarker template, or Soy template. In our example, we will use a JSP.

Complete the Product Content Renderer

The product content renderer is comprised of a custom view that we define and render. Do the following:

Configure the ServletContext for the Module

Define the ServletContext using the symbolic name of our bundle so that it can find the JSP in our module:

@Reference(target = "(osgi.web.symbolicname=com.acme.q4f7.web)")
private ServletContext _servletContext;

The value we set for osgi.web.symbolicname matches the value for Bundle-SymbolicName in our bnd.bnd file. These values must match for the ServletContext to locate the JSP

We also need to declare a unique value for Web-ContextPath in our bnd.bnd file so the ServletContext is correctly generated. In our example, Web-ContextPath is set to /q4f7-web. See bnd.bnd for a reference on these values.

Implement the render Method

public void render(
        CPCatalogEntry cpCatalogEntry,
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
        HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
    throws Exception {

        _servletContext, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse,

Use a JSPRenderer to render the JSP for our product content renderer (in this case, view.jsp). Provide the ServletContext as a parameter to find the JSP we have created.

Add a JSP for the Custom View

CPContentHelper cpContentHelper = (CPContentHelper)request.getAttribute(CPContentWebKeys.CP_CONTENT_HELPER);

CPSku cpSku = cpContentHelper.getDefaultCPSku(cpContentHelper.getCPCatalogEntry(request));

CPContentHelper is a class that retrieves information about a particular product.

CPCatalogEntry represents the displayed product itself. We get more information about the product with its default SKU, contained in a CPSku object.

<c:if test="<%= cpSku != null %>">
    SKU: <%= cpSku.getSku() %><br />
    Price: <%= cpSku.getPrice() %><br />
    Availability: <%= cpContentHelper.getAvailabilityLabel(request) %><br />
    Stock Quantity: <%= cpContentHelper.getStockQuantityLabel(request) %>

<liferay-util:dynamic-include key="com.liferay.commerce.product.content.web#/add_to_cart#" />

We use Liferay Commerce’s add_to_cart_button.jsp to insert the “Add to Cart” feature to our view.

Add the Language Key to

Add the language key and its value to a file within our module:

q4f7-commerce-product-content-renderer=Q4F7 Commerce Product Content Renderer

See Localizing Your Application for more information.


Congratulations! You now know the basics for implementing the CPContentRenderer interface, and have added a new product content renderer to Liferay Commerce.




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