Pages Reference

The data displayed for Page Analytics is based on Default Events and Event Attributes. The following events and event attributes are related to pages:

Page Events

  • pageDepthReached (relevant event attribute - depth)
    • Event fires when a user scrolls the content
    • Used to estimate the level of interest or coverage of content by how far the user scrolls
  • pageLoaded (relevant event attribute - pageLoadTime)
    • Event fires when a page is loaded
    • Used to measure the time to load a page
  • pageUnloaded (relevant event attribute - viewDuration):
    • Event fires when a user navigates away from a page
    • Used to measure the time between load and unload
  • pageRead (relevant event attribute - page):
    • Event fires when the user reads a page (Note, this is calculated based on assumptions of page content length and expected read times)
    • Used to indicate that a page was read
  • pageViewed (relevant event attribute - page):
    • Event fires when a page is visited (i.e. a page has loaded and the user stays to view the page)
    • Used to indicate that a page was viewed
  • ctaClicked (relevant event attribute - elementId):
    • Event fires when a user clicks on the target element
    • Used to track if a call-to-action element was clicked

Page Events Attributes

  • depth: A number representing how far the user scrolled into the page
  • pageLoadTime: A performance indicator for how long a page took to load
  • viewDuration: The time elapsed from when the page was loaded until when the page was unloaded
  • page: The URL of the page viewed



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