Tag Summary |
empty-result-message | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the liferay-frontend:logo-selector tag. |
error | Creates an error message to display to the user. |
error-header | Creates a liferay-ui:header with a back button; it's for displaying above an error message. |
error-marker | No Description |
error-principal | Creates an authorization failure error message to display to the user. |
header | Creates a header that displays its text above a horizontal rule accompanied by a configurable back URL button. |
icon | Creates a fully configurable icon that provides access to current Liferay theme icons. |
icon-deactivate | Creates an icon to associate with deactivating an item. |
icon-delete | Creates a configurable icon to associate with deleting or removing an item. |
icon-help | Creates a help icon that displays a custom message as a tooltip on mouse over of the help icon. |
icon-list | Creates a list of icons from a list of child components. |
icon-menu | Creates an icon menu from a list of child components. |
input-checkbox | Creates a configurable input checkbox. |
input-date | Creates a date input field that displays a calendar for date selection. |
input-editor | Deprecated as of 7.1.0, replaced by the liferay-editor:editor tag. |
input-field | No Description |
input-localized | No Description |
input-move-boxes | Creates an input move boxes component comprised of two columns of key value pairs that can be rearranged. |
input-permissions | No Description |
input-permissions-params | No Description |
input-resource | Creates an input field for selecting resources such as folders. |
input-search | Creates a configurable search box. |
input-time | Creates a time input field that provides a scrollable dropdown list of hours, in intervals designated by the minuteInterval attribute. |
input-time-zone | Creates a configurable timezone drop-down menu. |
language | No Description |
menu | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, with no direct replacement. |
menu-item | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, with no direct replacement. |
message | Creates a message to display to the user. |
page-iterator | Creates a page iterator for paginating through lists of items. |
panel | Creates a collapsible panel for housing content. Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the clay:panel tag. |
panel-container | Creates a collapsible container to house liferay-ui:panel components. Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the clay:panel-group tag. |
param | No Description |
quick-access | No Description |
quick-access-entry | No Description |
search-container | Creates a grid for displaying a list of objects and their properties. |
search-container-column-date | Creates a date column in a search container. |
search-container-column-icon | Creates a column in a search container for displaying an icon. |
search-container-column-image | Creates a column in a search container for displaying an image. |
search-container-column-jsp | Creates a column in a search container with the contents of a JSP file. |
search-container-column-status | Creates a column in a search container for the workflow status. |
search-container-column-text | Creates a text column in a search container. |
search-container-column-user | No Description |
search-container-results | The list of objects to display in the search container. |
search-container-row | Creates rows in the search container for each object returned by liferay-ui:search-container-results . |
search-container-row-parameter | Creates parameters for rows in the search container. The liferay-ui:search-container-row tag is required. |
search-form | No Description |
search-iterator | Creates a search results page iterator with an optional paginator. |
search-paginator | Creates a page iterator to paginate through search results. |
search-toggle | Creates a search instance that can be toggled between basic and advanced search. |
section | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the clay:tabs-panel tag. |
success | Creates a success message to display to the user. |
tabs | Creates a tabbed UI of section dividers that each house their own content.
. Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the clay:tabs tag. |
user-display | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the liferay-user:user-display tag. |
user-name-fields | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the liferay-user:user-name-fields tag. |
user-portrait | Deprecated as of 7.4.0, replaced by the liferay-user:user-portrait tag. |