Course Overview

Mastering Liferay Frontend Client Extensions

Liferay provides extensive out-of-the-box features for building dynamic frontend solutions on a unified platform. While these features are robust and highly flexible, unique business needs may require extending Liferay DXP beyond its OOTB capabilities. For these situations, Liferay provides frontend client extensions.

Mastering Frontend Liferay Client Extensions banner.
Frontend client extensions are Liferay’s go-to solution for implementing modern user interfaces and customizing visual site elements. Unlike traditional plugins or themes that directly modify Liferay’s core, client extensions live outside the portal container and interface with Liferay solely through its APIs. This decoupled architecture offers several advantages:

  • Reduced Maintenance: Minimizes maintenance overhead and reduces the risk of conflicts or breaking changes during platform upgrades.
  • Development Freedom: Frees developers to use their preferred programming languages and technologies when developing solutions.
  • Performance and Scalability Optimization: Enables users to selectively apply client extensions and configure their resource consumption to improve performance and scalability.
  • Deployment Versatility: Supports all Liferay deployment models (i.e., Liferay SaaS, Liferay PaaS, and Liferay Self-Hosted), unlike traditional plugins, which are incompatible with SaaS deployments.

This combination of benefits makes client extensions a robust and future-proof solution for extending your Liferay DXP implementation.

This combination of benefits makes client extensions a robust and future-proof solution for extending your Liferay DXP implementation.

This course explores frontend client extensions and demonstrates how to leverage these extensions to extend Liferay DXP's capabilities. It assumes general familiarity with Liferay workspaces and the client extension framework. If these concepts are new to you, consider taking these courses:

Additionally, you should be familiar with general programming and deployment concepts as they relate to web development, though knowledge of specific programming languages is not required.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to

  • Understand the architecture and anatomy of frontend client extensions
  • Use custom elements to retrieve data and present it in responsive user interfaces
  • Override out-of-the-box themes with custom styling elements
  • Implement custom functionality that conforms to site branding
  • Configure caching behavior to load resources accurately and efficiently

To bridge the gap between theory and practice, this course leads you through the process of developing a variety of frontend client extension solutions for a fictional company, Clarity Vision Solutions. Before we dive into the technical aspects of building and deploying client extensions, we’ll introduce you to Clarity and their critical success factors.




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