Mastering Liferay Workspaces and Tooling

Course Overview

Workspace Versioning and Upgrades

Liferay Workspace is constantly evolving, incorporating new features and enhancements to help developers be more productive. Upgrading your workspace version ensures you can enjoy the benefits of these new features. This is especially important if you're using liferay-sample-workspace for client extensions.

However, there are multiple factors to consider before upgrading. These include compatibility with Java versions and Liferay DXP releases, changes in tooling support, bug fixes, and updates to specific Gradle tasks. In such cases, consider delaying upgrades until you can adequately plan and implement the necessary changes. Also, while using the latest version is generally recommended, organizational policies or governance restrictions may require a specific version. For instance, upgrading a workspace plugin might require a corresponding Gradle update, which could be subject to approval processes.

Checking Your Workspace Version

The workspace version is stored in the workspace’s settings.gradle file in the workspace’s root folder. In the dependencies block, check the versionproperty for the com.liferay.gradle.plugins.workspace component, like the following example:

dependencies {
    classpath group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.gradle.plugins.workspace", version: "10.1.7"

In this example, the version is set to 10.1.7.

Upgrading Your Workspace Version

To upgrade your workspace, first, visit the Liferay Workspace releases page on Liferay's repository to identify the desired version. Once you've chosen your target version, open your workspace's settings.gradle file and locate the dependencies block. Update the version property of the com.liferay.gradle.plugins.workspace component with your chosen version number.

To always stay on the latest release, use latest.release instead of a specific version number. Please note that this may not be possible due to a strict governance on versioning policy. For example, a new release of a workspace plugin may require an update to Gradle which might need to be approved through the appropriate teams first.

dependencies {
    classpath group: "com.liferay", name: "com.liferay.gradle.plugins.workspace", version: "latest.release"

Save and close the file. Then, to run the upgrade, execute any Gradle command (e.g., ./gradlew tasks).


Keeping your Liferay workspaces up-to-date ensures you can leverage the latest features, improvements, and security updates. Next, you’ll explore how to customize your workspace through properties and configurations.

  • Checking Your Workspace Version

  • Upgrading Your Workspace Version

  • Conclusion

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