Build Retention Policy

The Liferay Cloud console displays your builds on the Builds page, so you can deploy them to your services whenever needed. However, only the most recent 1,100 builds remain accessible in the console. Older builds are removed automatically.


Each row in the Builds page corresponds to a build group, typically consisting of one build for each service. The 1,100 build limit is for individual builds across all build groups.

These builds are never removed, even if they are old:

  • Builds that a service is currently running.

  • Builds used for the previous two successful deployments.


Even if your old builds are removed from the console, Liferay Cloud does not make any change to your repository or version control system (e.g., GitHub).

If the build limit would disrupt your workflow, there are several ways to decrease the number of builds being created:

  • Use the before_all Jenkins hook to limit build creation to relevant branches.

  • Use the Jenkins quiet period to group changes from a set time period in a single build rather than building after every commit. You can still create new builds manually between automatic builds.

  • Create a CLI script to build services individually rather than letting the client build everything every time a commit is made.




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