Managing Third-Party Cookies

Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal GA112+

Third-party cookies are generated by domains different from the one a user is currently visiting. These cookies are often used by external services or content embedded within your site. Here are some scenarios where you may need to use third-party content in your Liferay site:

  • While using out-of-the-box integration features (e.g. YouTube and Google Maps).
  • While using third-party custom developments (e.g. client extensions or OSGi modules).
  • While using the Iframe widget to embed and display content from a web page.
  • While publishing content containing snippets served by third-party sites or services that are accessed or rendered in a page.

To manage third-party cookies, ensure compliance with user consent requirements, and enhance privacy protection, Liferay provides a low-level contract in the form of an API.

With this feature, developers flag external content and categorize it as one of four types of cookies that are identified within Liferay. If the content is flagged and the user has not given consent to that type of cookie, Liferay blocks the third-party cookie, maintaining compliance.


This API must be implemented in any feature that generates HTML markup (e.g. rich text editing, web content, and blogs).

To use the third-party cookie API, you need to modify the HTML attributes of an element in two steps:

  1. In the HTML markup, define the cookie consent type using the data-third-party-cookie="{value}" attribute:

    Cookie TypeValue
  2. Replace or add the HTML element’s attribute:

    ElementAdd AttributeRemove Attribute

    If you are trying to preview your content, remove the data- prefix from the attribute and add it back before saving it to ensure the third-party cookie API is used.

The third-party cookie API scans the Document Object Model (DOM) regularly looking for elements that require user consent via the data-third-party-cookie attribute. If users consented to the corresponding cookie type, the API allows the associated content/script to execute or blocks it otherwise.

For example, if you are using an Iframe widget <iframe src="..." /> to display a video on a page, alter the HTML element like this:


Adding an iframe tag to an HTML fragment and flagging it as an element that uses functional third-party cookies.

If you are adding an image to a page, alter the HTML element like this:

	alt="Example Image"




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