Liferay Faces Portal

Liferay Faces Portal is distributed in a .jar file. You can add Liferay Faces Portal as a dependency for your portlet projects to use its Liferay-specific utilities and UI components. When Liferay Faces Portal is included in a JSF portlet project, the com.liferay.faces.portal.[version].jar file resides in the portlet’s library.

The required .jar files are downloaded for your JSF portlet based on the JSF UI Component Suite you configured.

Some of the features included in Liferay Faces Portal are:

  • Utilities: Provides the LiferayPortletHelperUtil which contains a variety Portlet-API and Liferay-specific convenience methods.

  • JSF Components: Provides a set of JSF equivalents for popular Liferay DXP JSP tags (not exhaustive):

    • liferay-ui:captchaportal:captcha
    • liferay-ui:input-editorportal:inputRichText
    • liferay-ui:searchportal:inputSearch
    • liferay-ui:headerportal:header
    • aui:navportal:nav
    • aui:nav-itemportal:navItem
    • aui:nav-barportal:navBar
    • liferay-security:permissionsURLportal:permissionsURL
    • liferay-portlet:runtimeportal:runtime

    For more information, visit

  • Expression Language: Adds a set of EL keywords such as liferay for getting Liferay-specific info, and i18n for integration with out-of-the-box Liferay internationalized messages.



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