Portlet Descriptor to OSGi Service Property Map

Here’s a map of portlet XML descriptor values to OSGi service properties for publishing OSGi Portlets. The properties centralize and simplify portlet configuration. They are typically represented as key-value pairs or, more generally, as a Map-like object.

The property keys essentially flatten the XML descriptors but resemble the descriptor names.

The mappings are organized by descriptor type:

The standard portlet descriptor mappings are first.

Portlet Descriptor Mappings

Note: XPath notation derived from the Portlet XSD 4 is used for simplicity.

portlet.xml XPathOSGi Portlet Service Property
/portlet-app/container-runtime-optionnot supported for the portlet-app scope
/portlet-app/custom-portlet-modenot supported
/portlet-app/custom-window-statenot supported
/portlet-app/event-definitionjavax.portlet.event-definition=<QNameLocalPart>;<QNameURI>[;<PayloadType>][,<AliasQNameLocalPart>;<AliasQNameURI>] 2
javax.portlet.init-param.<name>=<value> 3, 9
/portlet-app/public-render-parameternot supported
/portlet-app/resource-bundlenot supported for the portlet-app scope
/portlet-app/security-constraintnot supported
/portlet-app/user-attributenot supported
/portlet-app/portlet/cache-scopenot supported
/portlet-app/portlet/container-runtime-optionjavax.portlet.container-runtime-option.<name>=<value> 2
/portlet-app/portlet/dependencyjavax.portlet.dependency=<name>;<scope>;<version> 2, 6
/portlet-app/portlet/listenerjavax.portlet.listener=<listener-class>;<ordinal> 2,8
/portlet-app/portlet/portlet-name 10javax.portlet.name=<String> 10
/portlet-app/portlet/portlet-preferences/preferences-validatorjavax.portlet.preferences-validator=<String> 1
/portlet-app/portlet/supported-localejavax.portlet.supported-locale=<String> 2
/portlet-app/portlet/supported-processing-eventjavax.portlet.supported-processing-event=<QNameLocalPart> OR javax.portlet.supported-processing-event=<QNameLocalPart>;<QNameURI> 2
/portlet-app/portlet/supported-publishing-eventjavax.portlet.supported-publishing-event=<QNameLocalPart> OR javax.portlet.supported-publishing-event=<QNameLocalPart>;<QNameURI> 2
/portlet-app/portlet/supports/mime-typenot supported

Liferay Descriptor Mappings

Liferay Display

liferay-display.xml XPathOSGi Portlet Service Property

Liferay Portlet

Note: XPath notation derived from Liferay Portlet 5 is used for simplicity.

liferay-portlet.xml XPathOSGi Liferay Portlet Service Property
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/application-typecom.liferay.portlet.application-type=full-page-application or com.liferay.portlet.application-type=widget2
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/configuration-pathnot supported
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/facebook-integrationnot supported
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/header-request-attribute-prefixcom.liferay.portlet.header-request-attribute-prefix=<String> 7
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/portlet-namenot supported
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/remoteablenot supported
/liferay-portlet-app/portlet/webdav-storage-tokendeclared in the webdav-storage-token=<string> WebDavStorage OSGi service property
  • [1] Portlets are registered as concrete objects.

  • [2] Multiples of these properties may be used. This results in an array of values.

  • [3] This type is registered as an OSGi service.

  • [4] https://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_3_0.xsd

  • [5] liferay-portlet-app_[version].dtd

  • [6] Here’s an example of using multiple javax.portlet.dependency properties.




        property = {
        }, service = Portlet.class
    public class MyPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
  • [7] Here’s an example for the com.liferay.portlet.header-request-attribute-prefix property.




        property = {
        }, service = Portlet.class
    public class MyPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
  • [8] Here’s an example for the javax.portlet.listener property.




        property = {
        }, service = Portlet.class
    public class MyPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
  • [9] An javax.portlet.init-param property can be declared like this:

        property = {
        }, service = PortletFilter.class
    public class MyFilter implements RenderFilter {
  • [10] Liferay creates each portlet’s ID based on the portlet’s name (i.e., the portlet-name descriptor in liferay-portlet.xml or the javax.portlet.name OSGi service property). Dashes, periods, and spaces are allowed in the portlet name, but they and all other JavaScript unsafe characters are stripped from the name value that’s used for the portlet ID. Therefore, make your portlet name unique in light of the characters that are removed. Otherwise, if you try to deploy a portlet whose ID is the same as a portlet that’s already deployed, your portlet deployment fails and Liferay logs this message:

    Portlet id [portletId] is already in use



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