Issuing JWT Access Tokens

Liferay DXP 7.4 U45+/GA45+

You can configure Liferay to issue access tokens in the JWT format from System Settings.

Enabling JWT Tokens

  1. Open the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigate to Control PanelSystem Settings.

  2. Select OAuth2 and go to Authorization Server Configuration.

  3. Check the box to Issue JWT Access Token.

  4. Paste a JSON Web Key for signing the JWT access tokens. This is mandatory if you check the above checkbox.

  5. Click Update.


Starting with Liferay DXP 7.4 U55+/GA55+, access tokens are issued using the JWT format by default. A JSON Web Key is auto-generated on Liferay startup.

Verifying JWT Access Tokens

Liferay DXP 7.4 U49+/GA49+

After enabling the above setting, Liferay issues JWT access tokens. Clients can verify these tokens by using Liferay’s JWKS URI.


You can retrieve the JSON Web Key Set by executing the following cURL command:

curl "https://[hostname]/o/oauth2/jwks"

Given below is a sample JWKS from Liferay:

    "keys": [
            "kty": "RSA",
            "kid": "authServer",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "n": "w8VOUxOrtWDiPaovmxcUYdrgQVVncFk_jrd2CSaEp1ad626sreDEm6qe--9-aWwN8ykLgYtFh_15sDK1prMaGYBm-AnvGRc6cnIljr5VPHGBbKy4Blq-U_Fc-AvaBJ7M0I63TIkbOGEl94fkj4cCiRuxdueWYuTdnyrtD9LxtgqHRn9SJ7itXBtjPOyGTCiKfT3kkn0FGyUI4EfK9BWK1aOpGC_L4QuvE4n3NbikKdGsqb2ADstUTqZDI10h4q89GWo8C9Sk60O72nVA7d3Fqn1HXBzs3pLLxE9TH3gLAdVOct6_dyD4mOCeTty6F2EH7s9yXjvWp_aM1VurNj5rqw",
            "e": "AQAB"




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