Product Delivery API Basics

Product API Basics covers the admin API used for creating and managing products. To display product data in your storefront, you must use the Product Delivery API. Call the headless-commerce-delivery-catalog services to retrieve a single product from a channel or all products from a channel.

Get a Product from a Channel

Start a new Liferay DXP instance by running

docker run -it -m 8g -p 8080:8080 liferay/dxp:2024.q2.11

Sign in to Liferay at http://localhost:8080 using the email address and the password test. When prompted, change the password to learn.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip Product Delivery API Basics.

    curl -O
  2. By default, a product is visible across all channels. You can limit its visibility through configuration. See Configuring Product Visibility Using Channels for more information.

    Find the channel ID by opening the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigating to CommerceChannels. Select a channel to see its ID.

    Find the product ID by opening the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigating to CommerceProducts. Select a product to see its ID.

  3. Use the cURL script to retrieve a product from a channel. On the command line, navigate to the curl folder. Execute the script with your channel ID and product ID as parameters. Replace 1234 with the channel ID and 5678 with the product ID.

    ./ 1234 5678

    The JSON response shows the product:

       "catalogName": "Minium",
       "createDate": "2024-11-11T13:15:37Z",
       "customFields": [],
       "description": "Product designed and manufactured to accommodate OEM applications. All\nproducts are tested and inspected in an ISO-9000 compliant environment",
       "expando": {},
       "externalReferenceCode": "MIN93015minium-initializer",
       "id": 34309,
       "metaDescription": "",
       "metaKeyword": "",
       "metaTitle": "",
       "modifiedDate": "2024-11-11T13:35:41Z",
       "name": "ABS Sensor",
       "productConfiguration": {
          "allowBackOrder": true,
          "allowedOrderQuantities": [],
          "availabilityEstimateId": 34326,
          "availabilityEstimateName": "3-5 days",
          "inventoryEngine": "",
          "maxOrderQuantity": 10000,
          "minOrderQuantity": 1,
          "multipleOrderQuantity": 1
       "productId": 34310,
       "productType": "simple",
       "shortDescription": "",
       "slug": "abs-sensor",
       "tags": [],
       "urlImage": "https://localhost:8080/o/commerce-media/default/?groupId=34197",
       "urls": {
          "en_US": "abs-sensor"
  4. You can also call the REST service using the Java client. Navigate out of the curl folder and into the java folder. Compile the source files:

    javac -classpath .:* *.java
  5. Run the Products_GET_ById class. Replace 1234 with the channel ID and 5678 with the product ID.

    java -classpath .:* -DchannelId=1234 -DproductId=5678 Products_GET_ById

Examine the cURL Command

The script calls the REST service with a cURL command.

curl \
	"http://localhost:8080/o/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels/${1}/products/${2}" \
	--user ""

Here are the command’s arguments:

"http://localhost:8080/o/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels/${1}/products/${2}"The REST service endpoint
-u ""Basic authentication credentials

Basic authentication is used here for demonstration purposes. For production, you should authorize users via OAuth2. See Using OAuth2 to Authorize Users for a sample React application that utilizes OAuth2.

Examine the Java Class

The class retrieves a product from a channel by calling the product-related service.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	ProductResource.Builder builder = ProductResource.builder();

	ProductResource productResource = builder.authentication(
		"", "learn"

			Long.valueOf(System.getProperty("productId")), null));

This class invokes the REST service using only three lines of code:

Line (abbreviated)Description
ProductResource.Builder builder = ...Gets a Builder for generating a ProductResource service instance.
ProductResource productResource = builder.authentication(...).build();Specifies basic authentication and generates a ProductResource service instance.
productResource.getChannelProduct(...);Calls the productResource.getChannelProduct method and passes the parameters to retrieve a product.

Note that the project includes the file as a dependency. You can find client JAR dependency information for all REST applications in the API explorer in your installation at /o/api.


The main method’s comment demonstrates running the class.

The other example Java class is similar to this one, but calls a different ProductResource method.


See ProductResource for service details.

Below is another example of calling a Product REST service using cURL and Java.

Get all Products from a Channel

You can retrieve all products from a channel by executing the following cURL or Java command.




curl \
	"http://localhost:8080/o/headless-commerce-delivery-catalog/v1.0/channels/${1}/products" \
	--user ""


java -classpath .:* Products_GET_FromChannels


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	ProductResource.Builder builder = ProductResource.builder();

	ProductResource productResource = builder.authentication(
		"", "learn"

	Page<Product> page = productResource.getChannelProductsPage(
		Long.valueOf(System.getProperty("channelId")), null, null, null,
		Pagination.of(1, 2), null);


The Product channel objects’ output is JSON.

This API also accepts parameters to filter, paginate, search, and sort the products. See the getProductsPage method for more information. You can use the following Product fields in your queries to filter, search, and sort the results.

  • catalogId
  • categoryIds
  • categoryNames
  • createDate
  • customFields Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+
  • modifiedDate
  • name
  • productType
  • statusCode
  • tags
Filter QueryDescription
productType eq 'simple'Product type equals simple
contains(name, 'Bar')Product name contains Bar
customFields/sampleSize eq '100.0'Custom field named sampleSize equals 100
Sort QueryDescription
createDate:descSort by createDate in the descending order
name:ascSort by name in the ascending order
createDate:desc,name:descSort by createDate in the descending order first, then by name in the descending order

Read API Query Parameters for more information.


Both the above endpoints also have an optional accountId parameter. When a user is part of multiple accounts, you must pass the accountId while invoking these APIs.




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