Payments Reference

The Payments application displays the following information about each payment entry.

IDID of the payment or refund
TypeSpecifies whether it is a payment or a refund
ERCExternal reference code of the payment or refund
DateDate of the transaction
AmountAmount of the transaction
Related ToSpecifies whether the payment is related to an order or the refund is related to a payment
Related IDSpecifies the ID of the related order or payment
StatusSpecifies the status of the payment or refund

Status Reference

Each payment entry has a status that shows its current state in the payment life cycle.

Each payment entry has a status that shows its current state in the payment life cycle.

AuthorizedPayment provider authorizes the payment
CancelledPayment gets cancelled by the buyer
CompletedTransaction is complete and the merchant receives the payment
CreatedSpecifies the addition of a new payment entry
FailedTransaction fails for reasons other than cancellation
PendingSpecifies the creation of a refund that’s not submitted yet
RefundedRefund submission is complete



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