

Liferay sites are customizable spaces for building personalized digital experiences. Each site includes applications for creating content, designing pages, and more. With these features, you can bring your custom solutions to life, whether intranets, public sites, customer portals, or e-commerce storefronts. In fact, you can leverage Liferay's multi-site capabilities to create multiple such sites in the same Liferay instance.

Deployment Approach
Self-Healing The self-healing functionality of Liferay Cloud detects if a service or application has become unresponsive and automatically initiates procedures to recover the unresponsive service....
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
Support Access
Support Access Support Access is an optional setting that expedites troubleshooting by giving Liferay engineers direct access to a Liferay Cloud project environment. Liferay Cloud administrators...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
Configuring Cross-Region Disaster Recovery
Configuring Cross-Region Disaster Recovery Liferay Cloud provides two ways for customers to take advantage of the Disaster Recovery (DR) procedure in the case of major incidents: Automatic Disaster...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
Disaster Recovery Overview
Disaster Recovery Overview Liferay Cloud offers two strategies for disaster recovery: Automatic and Cross-Region. Automatic Disaster Recovery Strategy Liferay Cloud performs automatic disaster...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
Shell Access
Shell Access The command-line tools in Liferay Cloud contribute to the developer's workflow by delivering speed, control, traceability, scripting, and automation capabilities. Shell access makes it...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
Troubleshooting Services
Troubleshooting Services Services are the core of a Liferay Cloud environment. This article covers troubleshooting techniques that can be used to investigate and address issues that may arise with...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
情報セキュリティとLiferay Cloud
情報セキュリティとLiferay Cloud Liferayはクラウドのセキュリティを重視しており、 SOC 2 および ISO 27001:2013 規格への準拠に関する次のドキュメントを公開しています: クラウドサービスにおける顧客データの処理に関するステートメント Liferay クラウドデータセキュリティ & 保護 関連トピック...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01
シークレットで安全な環境変数を管理 シークレットを使用すると、Liferay Cloud内のあらゆる環境の変数を安全に保存することができます。 Liferay Cloud プロジェクトを閲覧する権限を持つ全てのユーザーが 環境変数を閲覧できるのに対し、secret はそのロールに閲覧権限が与えられている場合にのみ閲覧可能です。 シークレットとは...
公開日: 2024/05/09 19:01




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