

Liferay sites are customizable spaces for building personalized digital experiences. Each site includes applications for creating content, designing pages, and more. With these features, you can bring your custom solutions to life, whether intranets, public sites, customer portals, or e-commerce storefronts. In fact, you can leverage Liferay's multi-site capabilities to create multiple such sites in the same Liferay instance.

Deployment Approach
Configuring Dependencies
Configuring Dependencies Liferay provides a container where modules can publish and consume functionality through their Java packages. Modules can leverage packages from other modules or...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Finding Artifacts
Finding Artifacts To use external artifacts in your project, you must configure their dependencies in your build.gradle Gradle script. Before specifying an artifact as a dependency, you must first...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Organizing the Source
Organizing the Source It is important to have a solid understanding of how the Liferay source is organized when working on fixing a bug or adding a new feature to the product. The Liferay Source...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Resolving Third Party Library Package Dependencies
Resolving Third Party Library Package Dependencies An application can rely on multiple OSGi modules. Resolving their Java package dependencies can be challenging. In a perfect world, every package...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Exporting Packages
Exporting Packages In OSGi, packages are private by default. You must explicitly exporting a package so other modules can import and use them. Here's how to export packages: Open your bnd.bnd...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Importing Packages
Importing Packages You often find yourself in a position of needing functionality provided by another module. To access this functionality, you must import packages from other modules into your...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Module Projects
Module Projects Liferay applications and customizations are OSGi modules: .jar files containing Java code and some extra configuration for publishing and consuming APIs. A module project comprises...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Semantic Versioning
Semantic Versioning Semantic Versioning is a three tiered versioning system for incrementing version numbers based on the degree of API change made in a releasable software component. It's a...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50




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