
Digital Asset Management

Liferay’s Digital Asset Management (DAM) tools simplify the organization and management of digital assets. Assets include images, videos, presentations, documents, and much more. Additionally, the Asset Library feature enables you to manage and publish assets in one central repository for use across multiple distinct sites.

Deployment Approach
Creating A Path File
Creating A Path File Test Scenario Write your first path file using the test scenario below: You would like to test that your name does not appear on any article. The steps you...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Default Bundler Loaders
Default Bundler Loaders The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. Several loaders are available for the liferay-npm-bundler by...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
How AMD Loader Configuration is Exported
How AMD Loader Configuration is Exported The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. If you don't understand how Liferay AMD Loader...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
How the Bundler Publishes npm Packages
How the Bundler Publishes npm Packages The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. When you deploy an OSGi bundle with the specified...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
How JavaScript Modules are Formatted for AMD
How JavaScript Modules are Formatted for AMD The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. Liferay AMD Loader is based on the AMD...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Liferay npm Bundler
Liferay npm Bundler The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. The liferay-npm-bundler is a bundler (like Webpack or Browserify) that...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Understanding the npmbundlerrc Structure
Understanding the npmbundlerrc Structure The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. The liferay-npm-bundler is configured via a...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Understanding the Liferay npm Bundler Loader
Understanding the Liferay npm Bundler Loader The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. liferay-npm-bundler's mechanism is inspired...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55




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