

Liferay Search is a fundamental component of Liferay DXP. Search obviously powers search results for your sites, but can also be tailored and configured to do much more! Use Search to build dynamic navigation menus based on categories, boost search results for important content, or use it to present a dynamic content experience for users.

Search features include Full-text Search, Indexing of all content types, Search Pages and Widgets, Search Results, and more.

Deployment Approach
Using Clarity's Products as Content
Using Clarity's Products as Content Although they are not yet building an e-commerce storefront, Clarity wants to leverage some Liferay commerce capabilities to create product content. While it is...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Module 7: Analytics and Personalization
Module 7: Analytics and Personalization So far you've learned how to manage users, build an enterprise website architecture, and create content. While Clarity now has a viable marketing solution,...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Designing Clarity's Master Pages
Designing Clarity's Master Pages The first step in designing pages is to determine their fundamental structure. In Liferay, this means designing master page templates. Built with the same tools and...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:16
Setting Up Clarity's Site
Setting Up Clarity's Site Liferay sites are customizable spaces for building personalized digital experiences. Each site includes applications for creating content, designing pages, and more. With...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:16
Module 6: Content Authoring and Management
Module 6: Content Authoring and Management This module was presented using slides for a live webinar audience. The formatting, presentation, and examples may differ from what is presented here as...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:16
Clarity's Content Requirements
Clarity's Content Requirements Content Management encompasses the lifecycle of managing data within a platform. In Liferay DXP, this includes features you use to Capture, modify, and retrieve...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:16
Creating and Mapping Clarity's Content
Creating and Mapping Clarity's Content Content Management is a broad term that can apply to a range of feature sets in the data lifecycle. We're going to focus specifically on Liferay's Web Content...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:16
Implementing Clarity's Content Publishing Workflow
Implementing Clarity's Content Publishing Workflow In the previous sections, you learned about the tools Liferay provides for managing digital assets and web content, and you put some of them to...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:16
Managing Clarity's Digital Assets
Managing Clarity's Digital Assets In the context of content management, digital assets are any files or media you can use to enrich your content. As a general requirement, enterprise websites need...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Organizing Clarity's Content
Organizing Clarity's Content In the previous section, you learned about the different types of content that Clarity wants to employ for their enterprise marketing website. This section covers...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Clarity's Analytics and Personalization Requirements
Clarity's Analytics and Personalization Requirements Like other enterprise public websites, Clarity relies on web analytics to measure their website's performance, target audiences, and areas for...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Personalizing Experiences for Clarity's Users
Personalizing Experiences for Clarity's Users Personalized website experiences can help keep Clarity's visitors engaged and ultimately lead to more sales. Liferay provides different tools to help...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Module 8: Headless APIs
Module 8: Headless APIs This module was presented using slides for a live webinar audience. The formatting, presentation, and examples may differ from what is presented here as part of the course....
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Securing Headless APIs
Securing Headless APIs Whether you're importing or exporting data, security is critical when working with Liferay's APIs. Liferay provides industry standard methods of authorization such as HTTPS...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Understanding Liferay's Headless APIs
Understanding Liferay's Headless APIs Headless APIs offer significant advantages for modern application development. By decoupling the frontend and the backend, they enable seamless content...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Module 9: Search
Module 9: Search This module was presented using slides for a live webinar audience. The formatting, presentation, and examples may differ from what is presented here as part of the course. ...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Clarity's Search Requirements
Clarity's Search Requirements Modern businesses generate and store vasts amount of data. This makes an effective enterprise search solution essential for efficient knowledge management. Through the...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
オートスケーリングの設定 任意のノード数で本番環境のクラスタリングを有効にすると、ピーク時のサイト・トラフィックをより適切に処理するために自動スケーリングを設定できます。 Marcusがオートスケーリングを設定するには、以下の手順に従ってください。 自動スケーリングによって自動的に追加されたインスタンスの使用量に基づき、四半期ごとに請求されます。...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
データベースパスワードのローテーション Delectable Bonsaiのデータベースセキュリティポリシーは、少なくとも90日ごとにパスワードをローテーションすることです。 ここでは、本番環境のデータベース・パスワードを変更します。 データベースの認証情報を変更するには、環境のサービスを再起動する必要があるため、本番環境ではスケジュールされたダウンタイムが必要です。 ...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17
Liferayサービスにクラスタリングを設定する Delectable Bonsaiのウェブサイトは数百万ビューを集めるため、トラフィックを処理するためにクラスタ化する必要がある。 ここでは、本番環境の2ノード・クラスタを構成する方法を学びます。 Liferayクラウドプロジェクトのアドオンとして追加のLiferay...
公開日: 2024/10/22 17:17




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