
Content Management System

Liferay’s Content Management System (CMS) offers user-friendly applications for creating, editing, publishing, and managing your site’s content.

Liferay empowers you to create and manage web content effectively. Easily create web content, upload documents, and leverage a suite of tools to administer and optimize your content. These tools include a user-friendly Content Dashboard UI, built-in Translation capabilities, and Content Performance insights.

Deployment Approach
Generating Translations Automatically
Generating Translations Automatically Liferay DXP supports 50 languages out-of-the-box. Each locale has its own language properties file containing keys for its language. When you create an...
公開日: 24/07/18 20:39
Overriding OSGi Services
Overriding OSGi Services Liferay's OSGi container is a dynamic environment in which services can be added, removed, or overridden as needed. This framework registers Liferay components with the...
公開日: 24/07/18 20:39
Using Portlet Filters
Using Portlet Filters Portlet filters intercept requests and responses at the start of each portlet request processing phase so you can add functionality there. This makes them useful for auditing...
公開日: 24/07/18 20:39
Using Servlet Filters
Using Servlet Filters Servlet filters can both pre-process requests as they arrive and post-process responses before they go to the client browser. You can apply functionality to requests and...
公開日: 24/10/18 16:07
Fundamentals Liferay development projects consist primarily of simple .jar files. These contain a few extra configuration files that make them OSGi modules, but they're easily understandable by...
公開日: 25/01/18 2:48
APIs as OSGi Services
APIs as OSGi Services After you've learned what a module is and how to deploy one, you can use modules to define APIs and implement them. Liferay APIs are OSGi services, defined by Java interfaces...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Finding Artifacts
Finding Artifacts To use external artifacts in your project, you must configure their dependencies in your build.gradle Gradle script. Before specifying an artifact as a dependency, you must first...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Configuring Dependencies
Configuring Dependencies Liferay provides a container where modules can publish and consume functionality through their Java packages. Modules can leverage packages from other modules or...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Resolving Third Party Library Package Dependencies
Resolving Third Party Library Package Dependencies An application can rely on multiple OSGi modules. Resolving their Java package dependencies can be challenging. In a perfect world, every package...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Specifying Dependencies
Specifying Dependencies You must satisfy all dependencies to compile and deploy a module successfully. After you find the dependency artifacts, add them as dependencies in your Gradle build file....
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Exporting Packages
Exporting Packages In OSGi, packages are private by default. You must explicitly exporting a package so other modules can import and use them. Here's how to export packages: Open your bnd.bnd...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Importing Packages
Importing Packages You often find yourself in a position of needing functionality provided by another module. To access this functionality, you must import packages from other modules into your...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Module Projects
Module Projects Liferay applications and customizations are OSGi modules: .jar files containing Java code and some extra configuration for publishing and consuming APIs. A module project comprises...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Command Line Gogo Shell
Command Line Gogo Shell If you're in a development environment, you can interact with the module framework locally from the command line. Gogo shell should only be run from the command line in...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Semantic Versioning
Semantic Versioning Semantic Versioning is a three tiered versioning system for incrementing version numbers based on the degree of API change made in a releasable software component. It's a...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Using an OSGi Service
Using an OSGi Service Liferay APIs are readily available as OSGi services. You can access a service by creating a field of that service type and annotating the field with @Reference, like this: ...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Using the Gogo Shell
Using the Gogo Shell The Gogo shell provides a way to interact with the module framework. Among other things, you can Dynamically install/uninstall bundles (modules) Examine package...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
7.2 旧バージョンと非互換の変更
7.2 旧バージョンと非互換の変更 このドキュメントは、サードパーティのLiferay開発者またはユーザーとの既存の機能、API、または契約に違反する変更の時系列リストを示しています。 私たちはこれらの混乱を最小限にするために最善を尽くしていますが、時には避けられないこともあります。 このファイルに記載されている変更の種類の一部を次に示します。 削除または置換される機能 ...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Reference 7.4 Breaking Changes 7.3 Breaking Changes 7.2 Breaking Changes Exported Third-Party Packages Portal Developer Properties
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50
Gogo Shell Commands
Gogo Shell Commands The Gogo shell executes Felix Gogo basic commands and Liferay commands. The Gogo shell is accessible in the Control Panel (recommended) and from the command line. Here are some...
公開日: 24/11/22 22:50




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