
Development and Tooling

Liferay offers a comprehensive toolkit to extend or customize your digital experience. Build applications quickly with low-code/no-code features like Objects, or leverage developer tools like Liferay Workspace and Blade CLI for further customizations.

For users on PaaS or running Self-Hosted, Liferay also offers tools deploying customizations.

Deployment Approach
Using Liferay Util Whitespace Remover
Using Liferay Util Whitespace Remover The whitespace remover tag removes line breaks and tabs from code blocks included between the opening and closing of the tag. Below is an example configuration...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:53
Using a JSP and MVC Portlet
Using a JSP and MVC Portlet An easy way to start developing a web application is to add markup to a JSP file and render it using a portlet Java class. The W3E7 example application demonstrates...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:53
Scoping Configurations
Scoping Configurations In Liferay DXP, you can set an application's configuration to different levels of scope: System, Instance, Site, or Portlet. For example, if you create an application to have...
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Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection
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Tuning Messaging Performance
Tuning Messaging Performance Messaging performance is tuned at the destinations. Performance depends on the destination type, the amount of processing the message listeners require, and the thread...
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Portlet Providers
Portlet Providers
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Message Bus
Message Bus The Message Bus provides a loosely coupled way to exchange messages. A class sending a message invokes the Message Bus to send the message to a destination, while other classes...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:53
Using a Theme Favicon Client Extension
Using a Theme Favicon Client Extension Liferay 7.4+ With a theme favicon client extension, you can override the theme's favicon on the selected page. Start with the sample workspace to build and...
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Theme Favicon YAML Configuration Reference
Theme Favicon YAML Configuration Reference You can define a theme favicon client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml file defines a theme favicon...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Theme Sprite Map YAML Configuration Reference
Theme Sprite Map YAML Configuration Reference You can define a theme sprite map client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml defines a theme sprite...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Batch YAML Configuration Reference
Batch YAML Configuration Reference Use a client-extension.yaml file to define a batch client extension. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml file defines a client extension of type batch: ...
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Importing/Exporting Data
Importing/Exporting Data Liferay Self-Hosted Liferay SaaS Liferay PaaS Liferay 7.4 If you want to import or export data from Liferay, you use batch client extensions. Use and reuse your data...
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Integrating External Applications
Integrating External Applications Custom Element and IFrame client extensions register applications with Liferay and render them as widgets on site pages. When you create one of these frontend...
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Notification Type YAML Configuration Reference
Notification Type YAML Configuration Reference You can define a notification type client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml file defines a...
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Object Action YAML Configuration Reference
Object Action YAML Configuration Reference You can define an object action client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml defines an object action and...
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Creating a Basic Custom Element
Creating a Basic Custom Element Liferay 7.4+ Custom element client extensions use Liferay's frontend infrastructure to register external, remote applications with the Liferay platform and render...
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Custom Element YAML Configuration Reference
Custom Element YAML Configuration Reference You can define a custom element client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml file defines a custom...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Using an IFrame Client Extension
Using an IFrame Client Extension Liferay 7.4+ IFrame client extensions use Liferay's frontend infrastructure to register external applications as HTML elements. They're added to Liferay pages as...
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IFrame YAML Configuration Reference
IFrame YAML Configuration Reference You can define an IFrame client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Data Usage This client-extension.yaml file defines an IFrame client extension: ...
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Using a Microservice Client Extension
Using a Microservice Client Extension A microservice client extension is a standalone server process that relies on OAuth 2 for communication with Liferay. The microservice is a resource server and...
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Object Validation Rule YAML Configuration Reference
Object Validation Rule YAML Configuration Reference To define an Object Validation Rule client extension, add the objectValidationRule type to your client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This...
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Workflow Action YAML Configuration Reference
Workflow Action YAML Configuration Reference You can define a workflow action client extension with a client-extension.yaml file. Usage Details This client-extension.yaml file defines a workflow...
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Creating and Managing Objects
Creating and Managing Objects Liferay 7.4+ Liferay Objects provides a convenient UI for creating custom applications that meet your business needs without writing code. You can also use Objects to...
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Actions Object actions define custom business logic that you can run manually or automatically for object entry events. Examples include delivering entry event data to a webhook URL, sending email...
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Defining Object Actions
Defining Object Actions Liferay 7.4 U60+/GA60+ Object actions define operations that you can run manually or automatically for object entry events. To add an action, Open the Global Menu (...
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Using Manual Actions
Using Manual Actions Liferay 7.4 U60+/GA60+ When you use the standalone trigger for object actions, the actions become manual instead of automatic. Trigger these actions using these methods: ...
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Aggregation Fields
Aggregation Fields Liferay 7.4 U47+/GA47+ Aggregation fields perform basic calculations on the entries from a relationship table and display the resulting values. Available aggregation functions...
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Activating and Deactivating Objects
Activating and Deactivating Objects Custom objects are activated when published. While active, you can use the object to create entries via the Liferay UI or dedicated REST APIs. If needed, you can...
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Auditing Object Events
Auditing Object Events Liferay 7.4 U72+/GA72+ You can use Liferay's audit framework to track events for custom object definitions and their entries. To track entry events, you must enable entry...
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Deleting Objects
Deleting Objects Liferay 7.4 U26+/GA26+ You can delete draft and published object definitions. Deleting a definition removes its associated data, including the stored entries for published...
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Exporting and Importing Object Definitions
Exporting and Importing Object Definitions Liferay 7.4 U68+/GA68+ You can export and import object definitions as .json files. These files include the definition's complete schema (e.g.,...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Extending System Objects
Extending System Objects Liferay 7.4 U86+/GA86+ With Liferay Objects, you can extend supported system services. Currently, only these services are integrated with the Objects framework: Account...
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Adding and Managing Custom States
Adding and Managing Custom States Liferay 7.4+ Some use cases may require assigning multiple states to an object entry at the same time. For example, when building an Order application, you may...
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Encrypted Fields
Encrypted Fields Self-Hosted and Self-Managed Only Liferay 7.4 U72+/GA72+ Liferay provides the encrypted field type for storing sensitive user data. To use encrypted fields, first add an...
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Using Read-Only Fields
Using Read-Only Fields Some use cases may require data fields to be read-only. For example, data integrity may require some field values to remain immutable, or you may need to prevent unauthorized...
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Designing Object Layouts
Designing Object Layouts Liferay 7.4 U31+/GA31+ Layouts define how fields and relationships appear when creating and editing object entries. Each layout can include multiple tabs containing...
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Picklist Fields
Picklist Fields Liferay 7.4 U72+/GA72+ Picklists define lists of text values usable as single select or multi-select fields in object definitions. By default, single select fields appear as...
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Layouts Liferay 7.4+ Object layouts define how fields and relationships appear when creating and editing entries. All published objects include an autogenerated layout with a single tab that lists...
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Adding Categorization to Fields Tabs
Adding Categorization to Fields Tabs Liferay 7.4 U31+/GA31+ You can add categorization blocks to fields tabs so end users can apply tags and categories to object entries. Follow these steps: ...
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Managing Objects with Headless APIs
Managing Objects with Headless APIs Liferay 7.4+ You can create and manage objects from the Applications menu, but you can also use Liferay's REST APIs. Call these services to create and manage...
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Organizing Objects with Folders
Organizing Objects with Folders By default, object definitions are grouped in the Uncategorized folder, but you can add object folders to organize data models and manage access to definitions. ...
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Using System Objects with Custom Objects
Using System Objects with Custom Objects
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Accessing Accounts Data from Custom Objects
Accessing Accounts Data from Custom Objects Liferay 7.4 U35+/GA35+ In some use cases, you may want to access account data from a custom object. For example, if you're building a custom returns...
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Validations Liferay 7.4+ Object validations set rules for determining valid field inputs. You can define validations with Groovy scripts, Liferay expressions, or a specified Composite Key...
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Expression Builder Validations Reference
Expression Builder Validations Reference Liferay 7.4 U67+/GA67+ With custom Objects, you can create field validations using Liferay's Expression Builder. This tool provides an integrated editor...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Designing Object Views
Designing Object Views Liferay 7.4+ Views define how entries appear in an object's application page. Though each published object has an autogenerated view, you can create your own. Design custom...
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Renaming Table Columns
Renaming Table Columns Liferay 7.4 U21+/GA21+ With custom views, you can change and localize the display name for table columns so you can serve your global users and ensure the table's naming...
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Setting a Default Sorting
Setting a Default Sorting Liferay 7.4 U18+/GA18+ With custom views, you can set a default sorting for tables. Follow these steps: Begin editing the desired view and go to the Default Sort tab. ...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Managing Data from External Systems
Managing Data from External Systems [Beta Feature](../../../system-administration/configuring-liferay/ Liferay Objects provides low-code capabilities for...
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Views Views define how entries appear in an object's application page. All published objects include an autogenerated table that displays all field columns alphabetically. However, you can design...
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Adding Filters to Views
Adding Filters to Views Liferay 7.4 U49+/GA49+ When designing a custom view, you can determine which fields appear as filter facets. Also, you can set default filters that apply automatically to...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Integrating Objects with Third Party Services
Integrating Objects with Third Party Services You can use Liferay Objects with popular data integration tools to create automated tasks for syncing Object data with external services. These tasks...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Using Objects with Salesforce
Using Objects with Salesforce [Beta Feature](../../../../system-administration/configuring-liferay/ With Liferay, you can create objects that integrate with...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Understanding Object Integrations
Understanding Object Integrations Published custom objects are integrated with Liferay's core frameworks, so you can leverage Liferay's features to build unified experiences across the platform....
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Reference App Builder Deploying WARs (WAB Generator) JARS Excluded from WABs
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Creating the Role Change Request App
Creating the Role Change Request App Subscribers The Role Change Request App starts with the employee submitting a request form. Processing then proceeds to the Current Manager, then to the...
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Deploying WARs (WAB Generator)
Deploying WARs (WAB Generator) You can create applications as Java EE-style Web Application ARchive (WAR) artifacts or as Java ARchive (JAR) OSGi bundle artifacts. Bean Portlets, PortletMVC4Spring...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Tooling Liferay provides a variety of developer tools that include standard build scripting, lightweight CLI utilities, and full IDE based on Eclipse. This is to serve all developers, whether...
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App Builder
App Builder Available: Liferay CE/DXP 7.3 (deprecated and removed in 7.4) App Builder is a low-code application development solution for Liferay DXP. Build a data model, define the application's...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54




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