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Deployment Approach
Using Zapier to Sync Object Data with Google Sheets
Using Zapier to Sync Object Data with Google Sheets Liferay 7.4+ Here you'll learn how to use webhooks to trigger sync tasks between Liferay Objects and Google Sheets using Zapier. Syncing your...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Picklists Liferay 7.4+ Liferay picklists are predefined lists of string values that consist of a name/key pair and can include any number of items. Once a list is created, you can use it to add a...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Using Aggregation Terms with REST APIs
Using Aggregation Terms with REST APIs When querying Object entries using REST APIs, you can use an Object's fields as facet criteria for aggregating entry data. To do this, add the...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Picklists API Basics
Picklists API Basics Liferay provides the headless-admin-list-types REST APIs for creating and managing picklist definitions (ListTypeDefinition) and their entries (ListTypeEntry). You can view and...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Deploying WARs (WAB Generator)
Deploying WARs (WAB Generator) You can create applications as Java EE-style Web Application ARchive (WAR) artifacts or as Java ARchive (JAR) OSGi bundle artifacts. Bean Portlets, PortletMVC4Spring...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Using Batch APIs
Using Batch APIs When you publish an Object, Liferay automatically generates REST APIs for it. These include the batch APIs for bulk POST, PUT, and DELETE operations. Here you'll use cURL commands...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Using nestedFields to Audit Entry History
Using nestedFields to Audit Entry History Liferay 7.4 U72+/GA72+ When you enable entry history for an object definition, you can use the nestedFields parameter with REST APIs to audit entry...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54
Using nestedFields to Query Related Entries
Using nestedFields to Query Related Entries Liferay 7.4 U69+/GA69+ The nestedFields parameter returns multiple levels of related object entries in a single GET request. Pass the nestedFields...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:54




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