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Deployment Approach
Portlet IDs
Portlet IDs Below is a listing of the portlet IDs for the default portlets in Liferay DXP. You can use these IDs to embed portlets in your theme's sitemap. Collaboration PortletID...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Sorting Entity Instances
Sorting Entity Instances Often, you want to retrieve multiple instances of a given entity and list them in a particular order. The service.xml file lets you specify the default order of your...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:52
Service Builder Basics
Service Builder Basics Using Service Builder helps you learn it. You'll use it to learn the basics: Generating Model, Persistence, and Service Code: Define a basic model, generate code from it,...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:52
Modifying Database Fields in Development
Modifying Database Fields in Development As you develop an application, you might need to add fields to your database. This is a normal process of iterative development: you get an idea for a new...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:52
Understanding and Extending Generated Classes
Understanding and Extending Generated Classes Service Builder generates both tables for your entity and model, persistence, and service classes for it. Here you'll examine generated classes for an...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:52
Portlet 3.0 API Opt In
Portlet 3.0 API Opt In A portlet must specify version 3.0 to opt in to the Portlet 3.0 API. The 3.0 Portlet API version can be specified in the following ways. Standard Portlet @PortletApplication...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
MVC Action Command
MVC Action Command MVC Action Commands handle actions as separate classes. With Action Commands, you can organize action logic in MVCPortlets that have many actions. Action URLs in the portlet's...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
MVC Render Command
MVC Render Command MVC Render Commands are classes that handle which page to render. They are invoked by MVCPortlet render URLs and requests. If your render logic is simple you can implement all of...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Portlet Preferences
Portlet Preferences You can give administrators and users a way to customize a portlet with portlet preferences. Portlet preferences can be added to any MVC Portlet to give users a UI to access and...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Alloy UI (AUI) Tag Library
Alloy UI (AUI) Tag Library The AUI tag library provides tags that implement commonly used UI components. These tags make your markup consistent, responsive, and accessible. You can find a list of...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Bar Charts
Bar Charts Bar charts contain multiple sets of data. A bar chart models the data in bars. Each data series (created with the addColumns() method) is defined with a new instance of the...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
MVC Resource Command
MVC Resource Command MVC Resource Command classes retrieve resources: images, XML, or any other kind of resource from a DXP/Portal instance without triggering any actions or renders. Requests or...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Rendering Views with MVC Portlet
Rendering Views with MVC Portlet If you want users to access your portlet's views, you must implement navigation to them. Portlet render URLs help you do this. Here you'll deploy an example...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Tag Libraries
Tag Libraries You have access to a powerful set of taglibs for creating commonly used UI components in your apps, themes, and web content. The following taglibs are covered in this section: AUI:...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Building Forms with AUI Tags
Building Forms with AUI Tags The AUI tag library provides all the components you need to build forms for your applications. AUI tags provide many benefits to standard form elements, such as custom...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Chart Tag Library
Chart Tag Library Lines, splines, bars, pies and more, the Chart tag Library provides everything you need to model data. Each taglib gives you access to the corresponding Clay component. These...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Combination Charts
Combination Charts Combination charts have minor differences from other charts. In a combination chart, you must define the representation type of each data set: AREA, AREA_SPLINE, AREA_STEP, BAR,...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Refreshing Charts to Reflect Real Time Data
Refreshing Charts to Reflect Real Time Data The polling interval property is an optional property for all charts. It specifies the time in milliseconds for the chart's data to refresh. You can use...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Step Charts
Step Charts Step charts contain multiple sets of data. A step chart steps between the points of data, resembling steps. Each data series (created with the addColumns() method) is defined with a new...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53
Predictive Charts
Predictive Charts Predictive charts let you visualize current data along with predicted/forecasted data within a given value range. Predicted/forecasted data is surrounded by a highlighted area of...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:53



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