
Development and Tooling

Liferay offers a comprehensive toolkit to extend or customize your digital experience. Build applications quickly with low-code/no-code features like Objects, or leverage developer tools like Liferay Workspace and Blade CLI for further customizations.

For users on PaaS or running Self-Hosted, Liferay also offers tools deploying customizations.

Deployment Approach
Migrating a Plain JavaScript, Billboard JS, JQuery, Metal JS, React, or Vue JS Project to Use Liferay npm Bundler 2.x
Migrating a Plain JavaScript, Billboard JS, JQuery, Metal JS, React, or Vue JS Project to Use Liferay npm Bundler 2.x Follow these steps to migrate the framework projects shown below to use...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Migrating Your Project to Use liferay-npm-bundler's New Mode
Migrating Your Project to Use liferay-npm-bundler's New Mode Since issue #303, two modes of operation are available for the liferay-npm-bundler. You can preprocess files before the bundler runs, or...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Changes Between Bundler 1.x and 2.x
Changes Between Bundler 1.x and 2.x This article outlines the key changes between liferay-npm-bundler version 1.x and 2.x. Automatically Formatting Modules for AMD In version series 1.x of the...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Understanding the npmbundlerrc Structure
Understanding the npmbundlerrc Structure The liferay-npm-bundler is configured via a .npmbundlerrc file placed in the widget project's root folder. You can create a complete configuration manually...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
OSGi Bundles and npm Package Structure
OSGi Bundles and npm Package Structure To deploy JavaScript modules, you must create an OSGi bundle with the npm dependencies extracted from the project's node_modules folder and modify them to...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Understanding the Liferay npm Bundler Loader
Understanding the Liferay npm Bundler Loader liferay-npm-bundler's mechanism is inspired by webpack. Like webpack, the liferay-npm-bundler processes files using a set of rules that include loaders...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Poshi Test Automation
Poshi Test Automation Poshi is a test automation framework that is simple, easy to understand, and does not require prior development experience to get started. Poshi tests can be written to...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Getting Started
Getting Started Previously, Poshi tests could only be executed by downloading and creating the test files within the Liferay source code. The Poshi Standalone gradle project enables you to use...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Creating a Macro File
Creating a Macro File Test Scenario Write your first macro file using the test scenario below: You would like to test that your name does not appear on any article. The steps you...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Creating A Path File
Creating A Path File Test Scenario Write your first path file using the test scenario below: You would like to test that your name does not appear on any article. The steps you...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Creating the Testcase File
Creating the Testcase File Test Scenario Write your first testcase file using the test scenario below: You would like to test that your name does not appear on any article. The...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Functions In Poshi, Functions handle extra WebDriver commands that an element might require to interact with a page object or element. Functions combine the basic methods defined in the...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Macros A macro is a set of functions that perform a task. Macros are where locators (paths) and functions are brought together to script interactions that a user performs on the system being...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Paths A path is an element on a page that a test will interact with. An element can be a button, text field, link, image, paragraph, or just about anything you would need to assert, click, or type...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Testcases A testcase file in Poshi is a collection of test scenarios grouped in blocks of code called test blocks. The three main test blocks: setUp, test, and tearDown, are made up of multiple...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Using Variables
Using Variables Though not a Poshi layer, variables are a large part of Poshi tests. Variables, like in other programming languages, are used to store data which can be referenced and reused in...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Poshi Resources
Poshi Resources To give Poshi test writers easy access to commonly used functions or other files, Poshi resources were created to store existing Poshi files as dependencies that can be loaded apart...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
Configuration In order to give test writers easy access to commonly used functions, paths, or macros, Poshi resources were created to store existing Poshi files as dependencies. These resources can...
公開日: 24/05/09 18:55
開発者ガイド このセクションには、サイト構築に関する開発者関連の記事が含まれています。
公開日: 24/05/09 18:57
開発者リファレンス フラグメントの開発リファレンス
公開日: 24/05/09 18:57



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