Private Network

Every environment has its own private network. This lets services from the same environment communicate through multiple secure communication protocols without having to interact with the public internet.

For example, your project by default only exposes your web server service to public connections. Connections between other services (e.g., Liferay DXP, database, etc.) are routed through the private network.

For every connection configured in this private network, you must specify these variables:

targetPort: The internal port of the service to expose.

port: The external port of the service to connect to.

protocol: The type of connection to create (TCP and UDP are supported).

external: Whether your connection is available to external connections. The default value false restricts the connection to internal Liferay Cloud connections.


If you expose a connection to external connections, then you may need to troubleshoot the connection using your service’s shell. See Shell Access for more information.

Here’s an example configuration:

  "id": "db",
  "ports": [
      "port": 3400,
      "targetPort": 7000,
      "protocol": "TCP"
      "port": 9000,
      "targetPort": 8000,
      "protocol": "TCP",
      "external": true

Environment Variables Reference

port3400The external port of the service to connect to.
targetPort7000The internal port of the service to expose
protocolTCPThe type of connection to create (TCP and UDP are supported)
externaltrueWhether your connection is available to external connections. The default value false restricts the connection to internal Liferay Cloud connections



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