Using Utility Pages

7.4 U86+ and GA86+

Utility pages serve specific operational tasks and actions and are usually essential for users to interact with a website or application effectively. Utility pages can be configured for a site’s 500 and 404 error pages.


Liferay returns a 404 (Not Found) error instead of a 401 (Unauthorized) response when users lack permission to access a page, preventing URL enumeration.

You can redirect unauthorized users to the login page instead, by enabling Prompt Enabled in Global Menu (Global Menu) → Control Panel → Instance Settings → Login.

Liferay provides out-of-the-box utility pages that are easily customizable. You can also create utility pages from scratch.

Liferay provides out-of-the-box solutions that you can use or customize to fit your needs.

Viewing Utility Pages

You can edit, preview, or copy utility pages.

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu), expand Site Builder, and go to Pages. Select the Utility Pages tab.

    The out-of-the-box pages are marked with a PROVIDED BY LIFERAY tag.

  2. Choose a page and click Actions (Actions Icon) to view and select one of the available actions.


Edit the utility page the same way you would edit a content page.

Creating a New Utility Page

  1. In the Pages application, under the Utility Pages tab, click New and choose the type of utility page you want to create.

  2. Select Blank for an empty content page or choose an available master page template.

  3. Name the utility page and click Save.

You can edit the newly created utility page the same way you would edit a content page.

Utility Pages Actions Menu Reference

Use the actions menu to perform certain actions with your utility page:

  1. In the Pages application, under the Utility Pages tab, select Actions (Actions Menu) for the utility page you want and choose one of the available actions:
Edit icon EditEdit the utility page in the page editor.
Shortcut icon PreviewPreview the utility page in a new tab.
Mark/Unmark as DefaultMark/Unmark the utility page as the default.
RenameRename the utility page. Click Save to rename your page.
Change icon Change ThumbnailChange the thumbnail that shows in your card. Drag and drop an image. Before adding the new thumbnail, you can edit and see information about the image.
Remove ThumbnailRemove the utility page’s thumbnail from the card.
Export icon ExportExport the utility page in ZIP format.
Make a Copy icon Make a CopyCreate a copy of the utility page. The copy is named {Original page's name} (Copy) automatically, and it’s created as a draft.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal GA112+ Configure icon ConfigureConfigure some SEO settings such as HTML Title and Description. See Configuring SEO and Open Graph to learn more.
Permissions icon PermissionsManage permissions related to the utility pages.
Delete icon DeleteDelete the utility page, with confirmation.

Use the actions menu to perform actions with the utility pages such as edit, preview, and mark as default.


If a site contains no pages, the default 404 error page is shown even if a utility page is applied.

Utility Pages Options Menu Reference

Use the options menu to configure, import pages, or import translations for your utility page.

  1. In the Pages application, under the Utility Pages tab, select Options (Options Menu) in the top right corner and choose an option:
Import icon ImportSelect the ZIP file containing the utility page you want to import and click Import. Choose whether to overwrite existing utility pages in case you’re importing a page with the same name.
Configuration icon ConfigurationConfigure your utility page: design, basic settings, customization, and SEO.
Import TranslationsImport translations for your utility page.

Use the options menu to import, change the configuration, or import translation for utility pages.

Utility Page Permissions

Utility pages have permissions that govern their use.

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Control Panel tab, and click Roles under Users.

  2. Click Actions (Actions Button) for the desired role and select Edit.

    Alternatively, you can click the name of the role you want to manage.

  3. Click the Define Permissions tab and go to Site and Asset Library AdministrationSite BuilderPages in the permissions sidebar menu.

  4. You can find the utility pages permissions under Resource Permissions → Site.

  5. Use the checkboxes to assign the desired language permissions to the selected role.

    Permission NameDescription
    Add Utility PageRequired to add a utility page.
    Assign Default Utility PageRequired to assign a utility page a default page.
  6. Click Change (Edit icon) under the Scope column to adjust the permission’s scope. By default, the change applies to all sites and asset libraries, but you can customize the list.

    Browse recently used sites in the Recent tab, all sites in My Sites, and asset libraries in Asset Libraries to select the scope.

    You can repeat this process to select additional sites or asset libraries, expanding the scope of permissions.

  7. Click Save at the bottom of the page.




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